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|| Michael ||

I yelled after her one last time but she kept running. I caught Lacey starting to walk off and grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to face me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled. My fists clenched at my sides. Why would she say something like that to Snow? How does she even know about her friend?

"You little bitch is my problem. She thinks she can just talk to me however she pleases. What do you care anways Michael? I bet she cant make you feel like I can." She traced her finger along my chest and I slapped it away.

"It doesn't matter." I spat through my teeth. By now nobody was paying attention to us anymore.

"How did you even know about her friend anyways? She's only told me."

She let out a laugh and it took everything in me not to slap her.

Good thing she's a girl.

"I may have happened to overhear you two talking at the party last week." She smirked.

"But it doesn't matter anyway. Nobody in this school would ever believe you or your whore over me."

"You fucking bitch! I swear to Go-" Luke grabbed my shoulder.

"It's not worth it man. Let's go find Snow." I glared at Lacey before storming out.

Calum, Luke, and Ashton trailing behind me.

"Mr.Clifford! Where do you boys think you're going?" Mr. Jones shouted as we made it to the door.

"We've all got the stomach bug and need to go home, sir." Ashton spoke up.

Mr.Jones looked at each of us before nodding.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Yeah." he replied.

Ashton never gets in trouble so it didn't surprise me that Mr. Jones believed his bullshit story.

We rode in Calums car because it had more room. Luke drove with me in the passenger seat and Calum and Ashton in the back.

We drove for nearly two hours searching for Snow. It started lightly raining now and she wouldn't answer her phone calls or texts from any of us.

My stomach hurt with worry. I knew she wouldnt go home because of her parents but where the hell could she have gone?

"We'll find her Mike." Luke tried.

"There!" Calum suddenly yelled and Luke hit the brakes.

"By that tree in the park. Thats her!" I looked and recognized her blue hoodie and purple hair.

I was the first to hurry out along with the rest, and ran to her. My heart ached at the sight. She lay on the cold ground, wet from the rain and her hair sticking to her face. She held her knees to her chest and it was obvious she'd been crying.

"Shit." Luke whispered behind me.

"Snow." I shook her easy until she stirred and started to wake up.

"Thank God!" Luke crouched down beside me.

"Snow c'mon lets get you home." Her eyes were still closed but she sat up.

"No." She opened her eyes and looked at Luke. "I don't want to go home yet."

"You can stay with me." I said and she scooted away. No.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. How could you?!" She spat. Luke looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I didn't tell her Snow! She h-"

"Go away." She demanded.

"Snow he didn't tell her." Calum spoke up.

"HOW ELSE WOULD SHE KNOW LUKE?" She was crying again and I couldn't handle seeing her so upset.

"She told us she eaves-dropped on you conversation at the party. " Her face paled and she looked at me.

"Oh. Michael I'm sorry I didn't know." I pulled her up and she wrapped her arms around my torso and cried into my chest.

"Snow, who's Emily?" Luke asked gently. Snow looked up at him with sad eyes.

"She was my bestfriend. She got murdered during a school invasion and there was nothing I could do. I tried to help but he- he wouldnt let me out." She began sobbing again.

We all looked a mess standing in the small park, in the rain with Snow crying in my arms.

"Will you take me home please?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

"Of course." I held her hand and led her to the car. She sat on my lap in the passenger seat with her head against my chest. I heard her let out a small sob every so often.

She doesn't deserve this pain. She doesn't deserve any pain. I'd give anything to take all the pain away from her. I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed but tears streamed silently down her cheeks. The car was silent the whole ride to Snow's house.

"Take care of her Michael." Luke said.
I nodded. I realized I had nothing to worry about when it came to Luke. He cared for her, but as a bestfriend.

"Thanks guys. I'll call later." They all waved as they drove off.

Snow didn't talk but kept her hand in mine and led the way into her house. As we passed her dads office he called out.

"Snow is that you?" There was a slur in his tone.

"Yeah." She said.

"Can you get me a beer from the fridge?" I noticed Snow look at her feet.
Her dad didnt even look up. He didnt even say hello.

She let my hand go and went into the kitchen returning with a six pack and set in on the table inside his office door.

"There dad." He didn't answer.
When we started upstairs I heard the can pop open.

"Snow.." I started when we got in her room.

"I'm fine Michael." She forced a smile but I knew better.

"You don't have to lie baby." I didn't let her finish and pulled her into my chest and held her tightly.

"It's my fault." She sobbed, looking at me with tear stained cheeks.

"No it's not. I've already told you this. Lacey is just a heartless bitch who's jealous of you." I told her.

"There's nothing to be jealous of." She said so quiet it seemed she didn't want me to hear. She pulled away from me and wiped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for blaming you." She apologized.

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"Ca-Can you stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." She asked looking at her feet.

"Of course. Let me go get some clothes and I'll be right back okay?" She nodded.

I went through the window. I left mine unlocked in case she ever wanted to come in.

I grabbed my black Green Day shirt and some black sweats from the pile by my bed and crawled back through the window.

Snow layed on the bed, already asleep. A small smile formed on my face. She looked so peaceful, so, not full of hurt.
I can't let her hurt like that anymore. It killed me seeing her like that.

I changed and easily slid on the bed beside her. I pushed her hair from her face and ran my finger along her jaw and traced over her lips.

"Michael?" She whispered, half asleep.

"Yeah it's me." I assured.

"Don't hurt me please." She said and my heart skipped.

"I won't let anyone hurt you Snow. I promise." Then she was fast asleep.

I knew in that moment, there was no turning back. My feelings for her were to strong to ignore and I'll do anything to keep her safe and out of harm's way.

aww Michael.

I'm With You; mgc (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now