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The breeze blew through the shutters of her room. Kya laid back on her bed, engaged in a book and calmed by the sounds of nature.
"Su wants me to go to home with her tomorrow, she says she needs a real hard ass to get Zaofu back to how it was." Lin said, leaning against the doorway.
"Oh yeah? Are you going to?" Kya asked, still looking at her book, pretending it didn't matter.
"That depends."
"On what?"
"If I'm needed here." Kya froze. She needed to choose her next words carefully.
"Republic City will always need it's chief of police," Kya said.
"Well Republic city needs to learn that I'm not going to be around forever." Kya folded the book closed and took off her reading glasses.
"Is this your way of telling me you're retiring?" Kya asked.
"No, it's my way of asking you if I should."
"Lin. That's not my decision."
"It can be. Give me the word and I'll stay. I'll give my two weeks notice and we can live the life we talked about." Kya's reluctance must have been visible because Lin stopped leaning on the door frame and stood straight. The pose she went in when things were serious. "What?" Lin asked, frustration clear in her voice.
"Lin it took you years to forgive your sister for ruining your mother's career. I can't be the one that does that for you."
"But I want you too," Lin protested.
"But you have to want too. If you're not ready to stop saving republic City then you can keep going." Lin walked over to Kya, she sat down on the bed and leaned in close to the water bender.
"I've been a cop since I first left high school, I don't know what else I'd do."
"You wouldn't have to do anything." Lin leaned in closer, and Kya felt her heart rate increase. "Lin..." she whispered. Lin leaned in and kissed Kya, gripping the older girls face and pulled her in closer. 
"Yes Kya?"
"Stay. I need you here."
"Alright, then I won't go." Lin said, pulling away. Kya reaches out but Lin was already getting up. Just like that Lin's personality switched back and Beifong was back.
"Lin wait," Kya called before Lin could leave," does this mean... does this mean you're ready to come out? You're ready to tell Tenzin about us?" Kya watched Lin gulp with nervousness and her face went red with the pressure of an answer.
"I hadn't thought about that yet," the metal bender replied.
"Maybe it's time you should?" Kya suggested. Lin just nodded in response, and Kya watched as she left the room, and heard the crack of her metal whips as she left air temple island.

Lin walked down the quiet streets of night time republic city. Normally she would have taken a Sato mobile and gotten to Su's Hotel room quickly, but she needed the time to clear her head. Before she knew it she was standing at the door to Republic City Hotel and Lounge, where Su was staying in the fourth floor with her husband and her boys. She thought of Kya as she went up the elevator, and how Kya had adjusted so much of  her life to be with Lin, not to mention Kya had kept it quiet for months so Lin could tell people on her own terms. She could do this for Kya, Kya deserved this much. She knocked on the door to the room and Wei answered.
"Aunt Lin," he said, "come in."
"Actually, I need to speak with your mother. Can you get her please?" Wei looked confused but he gestured behind him and Su came to the door.
"Lin? What's going on?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Not here," Lin said, "let's go get a drink." Su followed her sister, they were agonizingly silent the elevator ride to the tenth floor, the lounge floor. Lin went for two empty seats at the bar and Su sat next to her. Lin ordered a scotch, Su got a water, telling Lin she had a long trip tomorrow, and she didn't want to be tipsy around her family. Oh how she had changed.
"Okay Lin, what's bothering you?" Lin downed her scotch and faced her sister.
"I'm not going back to Zaofu with you tomorrow." Su looked slightly surprised, but she wasn't angry, which confused Lin.
"Somethings keeping you here," Su suggested.
"What? No! What makes you think that?"
"Well you keep slipping away during things, you've been really distracted these past few weeks and you're getting defensive. I know you Lin. What's keeping you here?"
Here it goes.
"It's... it's a someone, actually." This made Su's prior look of surprise look like her regular face, because her reaction took attention of the surrounding crowd.
"Lin! You didn't tell you're own sister? How long has this been going on? Who is it? Is it someone from the station? Is it Bumi?"
"What? No! And not very long, a few weeks."
"Is it someone I know?" Lin's blush gave away the answer and Su yin's smile grew wide.
"Sis! Who is it?" When Lin didn't answer Su's face went dark. "It's not Tenzin is it? We really don't need this drama-"
"It's not Tenzin."
"Okay." Su sat silently, pretending that she was curious anymore. Lin sighed, hoping it would help subside the fear. Su must've sensed her discomfort because she took her sister's hand and looked at her in the eyes. "Lin, you don't have to be scared. I love you. You're my sister." Surprisingly Su's words held comfort, and Lin was finally ready to open up.
"It's Kya. Like Tenzin's sister Kya." Su's reaction when from surprise, to confusion, to realization to a wide smile.
"Oh Lin! She's hot I get the appeal." Lin smiled and Su rubbed her sisters back. "Does it feel better to get that off your back?" Su asked as Lin began to quake with relief.
"It does. It really does."
"Lin," Su said, "you can cry." Lin laughed and she had to admit a few tears fell out of her eyes. They sat there in a heartfelt moment for a while longer till the bartender came back and Lin got another scotch.
"Well the easy parts over," Lin said.
"I'm the easy part?" Su asked.
"Oh yeah, we still have to tell Tenzin. And when Korra and Asami find out they're going to want to do double dates every Friday night." Su laughed and hugged her sister.
"A part of me wants to stay so I can see that."
"A part of me wants you to stay too."
"Oh Lin, you weren't around for the start of my family, but I promise I'll be around for yours."
"Digging up dirt under the bridge I see," Lin smirked. The two laughed and Lin downed the rest of her scotch. "I better go find Kya."
"Lin, it's 1 in the morning you've had two drinks, go home."
"I can't, I think I might've messed up earlier. I'll see you soon sis." As Lin began to leave Su grabbed her arm.
"Lin, there's always a spot for you in my home, just remember that."
"Thanks Su... I love you."
"I love you too sis." Su let go and Lin walked out of the lounge and back to the elevator. The door closed with the small beep and Lin took a breath. She just had to hope Kya was still reading her book.

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