Chapter Fifty-Eight

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“Son, I am very happy you found the one.”  My dad says before taking a drink.

I laughed, “Well if I have anyone to thank, its Ida.”

“Ida?” He asked very confused.

I nodded, “Yes! Ida! Ida was the one who got Ro to take a chance on me.”

“Well then I must buy her a drink.” He said with a smile.

I glanced around looking for Jax and those very unwanted visitors. He was standing by the window; making idle talk is what it looks like.

“Dad, I need to go talk to Jax real quick..” I said as I walked away; not truly waiting for a reply.

Jax was standing there guarding Ivan and Demetri, the two go back in forth in russian and Jax seemed unphased by anything they have said. He spots me and in russian tells them to shut the fuck up! I only know because Rosalie has told them the same once or twice during our stay.

“Jax, where did my bride to be go?” I asked.

“Hopefully she ran off not to marry you!” I hear Demetri mutter to Ivan which only caused Jax to smack the back of his head.

“She was taken by Jeanette, Ari, and Ida. I am assuming to get her dress on and get this show on the road!”

“Ahh,” I muttered, I think I have bats growing inside. Bats not butterflies because how not very masculate to have butterflies floating around. I am not nervous about marrying Rosalie, I’m worried about her running off.

“Ah?” Jax said looking at me.

I laughed, “I’m fine if you are worried.”

He glances down at his phone, “I know you are fine, but I was told to have you to you get things in order and I am to go talk to your father.” he said as he slips the phone back in his pocket.

“My father?” I questioned.

He laughed as he walked off and I stood there a bit confused. Why would he need to talk to my dad. What is with that text and how the hell am I going to tell people to get ready.

“EXCUSE ME!” as I project my voice, “I was informed that  the wedding is going to be starting soon, can everyone please get to your seats.”

I look around and Jax and my dad are gone. Where have they gone?? As I spin around I can hear someone behind me.

“Come on, man! We are to be right up front.” Jax said as he pulls me up front.

I laugh but let him pull me along. “Jax, wheres my dad?” 

He smiles, but the music starts and here comes the beautiful bridesmaids. The music is soft but I can hear it play through the room. Then the music changes as here comes the bride starts and here comes MY bride. Not only was she stunning which she always is but you can feel her glow which is contagious. I almost didn't notice my father is walking her down the aisle.

"Thats where he disappeared to." I muttered.

I smiled at my Ro, just as she stuck her tongue out at me as they reached the front.

"You are beautiful," I mouthed to her.

She laughs, "Aint so bad youself," she says with a playful wink.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here to unite Rosalie and Logan." Jax speaks in a loud voice I didnt know he had.

"Now does object between this union." He shouts again.

I looked out towards our family and friends. My stomach felt like I was being tied in knots. I looked at her face and watched her give a very frightening look at Ivan and Demetri. 

I always wondered what she did to scare them oh so long ago I mean she was one girl...she was abused and he was her abuser. Ugh, every time I look at him I want to kill him. At least I know Jax feels the same way. The sad thing is I feel bad for Demetri because I think he does really love her. He was punished by watching her suffer. 

"Now do you Logan take Rosalie as your ever loving wife as long as you both shall live" Jax questions me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I smile as I slide the ring on to her finger, "I do!"

"Do you Rosalie take Logan as your ever loving husband as long as you both shall live?" 

With that award winning smile, "I do!" She slides the ring on to my finger.

"Then the powers granted by me and United Life Church, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He finally says with a huge smile. "Well kiss the bride you fool!" He says with a laugh.

I pull her into me kissing her as if it was only her and I alone. It wasnt until we both heard hooting we stopped. 

"Ma'am, here sign here" some boy tells Ro as she signs and hands the pen over to me. "You sign here sir." I do as I am told and we are married. The boy gathers the document and took off in a mad dash. 

"Kiss me Mr. Montgomery." She says with a sly smile. 

"You mean Montgomery-Falls don't you Mrs. Montgomery-Falls. "

She giggles and kisses me not questioning anything. 

"I do adore you my wife." I say whispering in her ear but just as she went to reply, Ivan and Demetri came over to talk. 

"Rosa, we must talk about what to do." Ivan mutters.

I shake my head as she looks at him with rage.

"I WILL HANDLE…" she started to say just as a bullet pierced through the glass and straight through Ivan and right into Rosalie.

I watched the blood stain her dress drawing a pool right at her side of her. Demetri was worried about Ivan but he was already dead. Jac was screaming into some phone and picked up Rosalie. "Logan, lets go!" He screams. 

I rush behind him as we get into the elevator but instead of going down, we were climbing to the roof. 

"Hold her," he says as he places Rosalies body into my arms. I see the helicopter in front of us and we run to it. We climb in buckling up. 

"Uh Jax can you fly this?" I say with a bit of fear lingering on me and my wife.

He laughs, which you can tell he is trying to cover his fears, "Yes and if we are going to get her to help this is the only way we can do it."

"I cant lose you my wife. Please dont leave me,"as I place pressure on the wound.

She whispers "I-I love youuu myy husssbbbaannddd"

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