Chapter Forty-nine

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Rosalie's POV

“Just fucking fabulous!” I say while laughing.

The man squeezes my arm, “Does it sound like I'm a fucking joking! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!” He questions with rage.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Aw sweets, you're asking the wrong questions.” I spun around, “What you should be asking is, why isn't there anyone else here to help you? Or where is Anatoly?” I look at his face, the pain was starting to show. “Wait, I know you.” I said with a smile.

His eyes searched me as if he was trying to remember who I was. His eyes fell on mine and squinted trying to remember where he had seen them, “I-” he started to say before falling over.

“Jax, call Vera! Tell her I need her here NOW!” I shouted.

He nodded with a, “Yes, boss.”

I bent down over him, grabbing the knife from my bag and cutting some of the length of my dress, I placed it on his bullet wound.

“Ahhh” he shouts in pain.

“Shhhh, I'm going to help you, Matthew.” I said as I comfort him.

His face was still puzzled by who I could be. Matthew grew out of that baby fat into a beef cake. It has been a very long time since I've seen him but I knew it was him.

I leaned down and whispered, “I'm the darkness that crept through the window and killed David but I think you remember that young girl who was charmed by Anatoly.”

I heard Vera’s car pull up, “Save him and put it on Ivan's bill.”

She nods, “Yes.”

He grabs my arm as the twins come out of nowhere to help get him in the car, “You..You can't be her… Ro..” He said between pain.

I place a soft kiss on his cheek, “Yes, I am her, I am Rosalie.”

“Vera, when he is fixed up, call me. I plan on leaving tonight.” I say as she nods.

“As for you two morons, you need to go with her and hope he stays alive because if he dies. You die! Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Yes b-b-boss” Simon stammered as Paul just looks down.

Jax appears by my side with a bag in hand, “Um boss? Should I question why we are keeping him alive.”

I look at him and smile, “ With due time you will get that everything I do, I do for a reason.”

“Okay, you're the boss!” He says with a teasing salute.

I just shake my head as I walk over to the SUV. He holds the door open for me and I climb in. The drive didn't take long, it was very quiet but as we pulled into the driveway, I decided now was the best time to talk to Jax.

“When we get inside, find Demetri and wait by Ivan's office.” I say softly, “Don't go in until he opens the door himself.”

He nods and doesn't even question.

“I'm going to try Logan before we go in.”

I grab the phone and call Logan. Everything seemed fine on his end. Jeanette was there and they were just about to eat. I couldn't wait to be home with the rest of my family.

“Ready?” I ask Jax before turning the knob.

He nods and we walk in. The house seems in a full bloom of a victory bash but once I stepped through it was silent.

I see Ivan and point towards the stairs just as Jax helps to take off my jacket. As I reached Ivan's office the party went back to its celebration.

A Mobster & her OfficerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora