Chapter Thirty-Six

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“Rosa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-” Demetri attempted to apologize but all I wanted him to do was shut up.

I held up my hand, “Stop! Now!” I said with anger.

Once we made it to Ivan's home, I felt like puking again but I swallowed it back. I closed my eyes and stood still for a moment. It wasn't long until Jax came swooping in and wrapping his arm around me to steadying me.

He whispers in my ear, “Are you okay?”

I nod and escape from arm, I couldn't allow him to make me look weak. Ivan would just love that.

We stepped into his over the top mansion and there he was descending down the steps.

“Ahh my dear Rosa!” He says with arms sprawled out.

“I see you took my advice.” I say as I look at his fresh haircut and shave and he finally stop looking like a bum.

“Ahh, Yes, Yes” He says with a turn around. “Well let's show you two to your rooms. Rosa you don't mind sharing with me?”

I stepped closer to him, only leaving a small amount of space between us, “Not unless you want to lose something other than an eye” I mutter with a smile.

His eyes widen, I step back, “I was of course kidding, you will be back in your old room.”

Great! When I wasn't in Ivan's room, I had to spend time in a room I like to refer to as ‘The Dollhouse’. The room was an awful shade of pink, with many dolls.

“Great, well Jax and I will be sharing a room!” I state but quickly tell Jax is worried.

“Nonsense Rosa! We have plenty of room here.” Ivan announces his objection pretty well.

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah but see, I don't trust you.” I turned and pointed at Jax, “And he doesn't know you like I do.”

“Fine Fine! Share a room!” He almost shouts.

I laugh, “Shall we?” I look at Demetri who nods.

We walked past the dollhouse and into a large suite. It had a large four post bed with blood red sheets and blankets. There was also a fireplace and a sofa that two was red with a black floral design.

“Are you sure you don't want your own room Rosa.” Demetri asks.

I shake my head, “No the sofa will be fine but before you leave, is Masha still here?” I question.

He smiles and nods, “Yes and I'm sure she would be over the moon to see you.”

“I will be down to see her in a bit.” I return the smile.

Once Demetri left, Jax turned to me but I put my finger up. I knew Ivan had to place some kind of surveillance. I looked around and quickly found 3 bug cameras and a microphone. I grabbed them and walked down to Ivan's office. I slammed them onto his desk and startle him.

“What the fuck Ivan!” I shout.

His lips turned into a smirk, “What I can't watch my guest?”

I rolled my eyes, “Ivan I will kill you myself if need be! Don't attempt this again.”

He held his hands up in defeat, “Okay whatever you say my dear Rosa.”

I shake my head and walk out, “Damn this man!” I mutter so he can't hear.

Deciding to go see Masha, I head down the steps towards the kitchen. There she was bent over some pot. She was older and she quit trying to keep up with the greys as she aged.

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