Chapter Sixty-one

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"Oh, Rosa do you think I would let you leave without thinking about me?" a sinister voice rang through with a deep growl.

The lights turned on one by one in a row straight to him. I walked closer and closer to him, towards the growl. Splashing through the water that didn't seem to surround him, as if he wasn't in my darkness but somehow here. He was wearing all black like I was but it was different like it was darker.

"Matthew, how are you here?" I questioned.

"Ha!" he laughed smugly. "Why Rosa, don't you sound a bit worried." He said as he moved closer and the water around my feet started to part.

"Not worried, just confused," I said, stepping closer to him so I can see him. "The darkness is filled with the blood on my hands, and last time I checked I didn't kill you. In fact, you just tried to kill me."

His eyes stared into me, almost as if he could see my damage. The damage he caused him and his friend Anatoly. This may be the reason he stumbled back, almost in fear. "What is wrong Matthew? Did you see something you didn't like?" I questioned him and stepped closer to him. "Now see, I think I know why you are here," I said looking him square into his eyes. "I think you wanted to play cat and mouse with me. I can tell you I am no one's mouse!"

"Rosa, you will have to die. I plan on being the one to do that" He said without looking at me.

"THEN LOOK AT ME!" I screamed. "LOOK AT ME! NOW!" I snatched at his arm screaming at him to make him pay attention to me.

"Rosa, this isn't anything personal but you did kill Anatoly," he said as he finally looked at me.

"And I saved your life as you were bleeding out. Unlike you trying to save my life from him. You knew what was going to happen to me and you still let it happen." I said in my snide tone. "Matthew, I knew that you weren't like Anatoly. You weren't smug but I did know you also felt like you had to prove yourself out of family obligation."

His face rearranged in anger, "Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch" he bellowed.

"You sound worried Matthew?" I mocked. I looked at him "If you want to play cat and mouse, you better run. I will hunt you down."

His figure started to disappear, "Rosa."

"GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW!" I screamed through the vast emptiness.

"Rosalie, come on! It's okay!" I heard a soothing voice say.

I can hear the clacking of the shoes against the floor, not heels but the quick step of the worker's feet. "The doctor said to give her a sedative."

"NO! That is not necessary! Give me a moment." that soothing voice said.

"Ro, you have to come back to me. Please!" He begged again.

My feet stomped in the thickness of the water as I looked for an exit. "I need to go!" I kept repeating to myself. Just as light shined right in front of me. I trudged through, running as I splashed to get the exit. Just like that, I fall into it.

Gasp, "Logan!" I said what feels like the life pouring back into my body.

"Ro! It's okay, it's okay."He said as held me in his arms.

"Ro, you can't do that to us!" Jeanette said as she leaned closer to us.

I rolled my eyes as if I tried to do something to cause this.

"Mrs. Montgomery-Falls, you did give us a fright. Your blood pressure and pulse rose." the blonde nurse said.

"I'm sorry, it was just a nightmare. I am fine!" I said trying to shake her off my tail, so she doesn't try to sedate me.

She nods, "Okay, well I will go inform your doctor."

"Logan, can you get me a drink? Please!" I said.

He stood up, "Sure babe!" he said with a kiss.

Jeanette moved closer; "I will watch her."

"You do realize I am not a child!" I said in a bit of objection.

Logan laughs and kisses the top of my head before leaving.

"Jen, get Jax, I really need to talk to him," I ask.

She nods and opens the door, "Jax, Ro is asking for you." she said at the doorway.

"Ro?" He questioned in a puzzled expression.

"Before you ask, I am fine!" I said with my hands up, "But I need to know has anyone found Matthew?"

"I just got off the phone with one of the guys with Demetri and they said he was put in ICU but no signs of Matthew" He said.

I shook my head, I will not be the mouse at this moment! "Jax, I don't know how but he was in my darkness. He thinks that he has to kill me!" I said in a spout of craziness.

"Darkness?" Jeanette questions.

Jax steps closer and looks at me, "Ro, you need to relax because you are about to set yourself off again." he said in a worry. "Do you think your darkness was really interrupted by him or do you think you might have messed with your own darkness?" he asked.

I took a deep breath in and slowed myself, "Yes! Well I mean I have no idea, I hope not but it could of mess that I am deal with because well uncertainty drives me crazy...but I don't get it how could I think of Matthew, I mean yes I would think of him but not in the darkness and somehow Jasper said I was to blame for Hector's death but Hector didn't understand why he was there either?" I said in a pour of ramblings.

"WHAT IS THE DARKNESS!" Jeanette questioned even louder.

With a stern look from not only me but Jax, she was quick to sit back and stay quiet.

"Ro, I can't say what is going on, I know that sometimes medication can cause issues." He said as if he can believe my ramblings.

I laughed, "I want him found because if he really was there, he wants to play a game and I do NOT like games!"

"Here babe,"Logan said, handing me an ice cold soda. "Did I miss something?" He questioned in confusion.

I laughed, "No, just getting updates from Jax about Demetri." I said with a small lie.

"Hey Logan?" Jeanette questioned.

He smiled as I took a sip, "Yes?" He replied

"What is the darkness? Well to be more precise what is Rosalie's darkness?" she asked as if I wasn't going to kill her!

"JEANETTE!" I snipped.

"What, I wanted to know and you two weren't spilling!" Jeanette said.

With a roll of my eyes I explained, "Jeanette, the darkness is where my mind or soul takes me sometimes, not often. It's this dark place with people I have killed" I said in a mere whisper.

Logan looked at me, "Is that where you went earlier? Is that why you were having all those issues?" He questioned.

I nodded, "Yes, I am sorry. I do not want to worry you but I am fine."

"Rosalie, you are my wife. You can't keep things from me like that," he said.

Wife...this concept is new to me, it almost feels unreal. Now I am thinking I really need to protect this man, my husband beyond all cost. Even if that means me escaping him...escaping the man I love, to save him. Save him from Matthew or from me? All I know is, I need to figure out how...

"I love you, my husband," I said with a smile. 

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