Chapter Forty

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Demetri's POV
Over a week ago:

I kept pacing back and forth, waiting for Rosa to get out of Ivan's office.

“Did you find out who did it?” I asked but I knew it wouldn't be long until she did. She was always so quick.

“Uh I can't say right now” She shrugged.

She may have been covered in blood head to toe but she was still ever so beautiful. I always enjoyed that fire in her eyes.

When Ivan said she was coming back, I thought she has agreed to marrying him. Although I was hoping with her she was coming back to kill him. No instead she's coming back to solve who is the one betraying Ivan.

I think I stared at her a little longer than what she wanted. I fought every need to touch her, but she never saw me like that. She saw me as her friend and only a friend. Probably because I never tried to jeopardize that with her, I never wanted to kill her fire, like Ivan did. Ivan would have her beaten or raped to get her to submit to him. That wasn't her, that wasn't Rosa.

I watched her walk off, I knew she had figured it all out. It wouldn't be long until she went to Ivan and exposed me. I would have to solve it. I would have to kill her, the woman I had always been secretly in love with.

Now the question is how, she wasn't alone. I would have to take Jax down as well, not kill just take down. Rosa would need someone to tell of her untimely death. She deserved someone to mourn her death. I knew I would always carry that around.

Getting into her room was easy, knocking out her friend was just as. I paused for a moment after turning the knob.

“Jax?” She questions.

I take a deep breath and turn the knob once again. I heard her call out for Jax once again, but it didn't stop me from going through the door.

I grabbed her from behind and held her mouth before bashing her head against the marble. She wasn't simple to take down but in the end, she was on the floor. The blood was spewing out of her head, I paused her and look at her. She was still beautiful. I quickly made my leave before anyone would noticed.

It wasn't long until she would be discovered and I would have to play it off like I had no idea.

“IVAN!” I hear Jax scream.

I never seen Ivan move so fast, it wouldn't be long. Knowing Ivan, he would be a raving mad man. He will start fire to his own home if it meant killing whoever killed Rosa. I best make my leave.

With eyes all around, I would never make it without someone spotting me. I could hear Ivan screaming for help, I even heard my name being called. I quickly made my way out the back door, I saw men rush in the house, now was the time.

It would be in the morning that news of Rosa’s death would leak. I would use the time of grief to explain my missing. Ivan had to know of my feelings of Rosa, that's how he kept me in line. Anytime I would do something Rosa would get hurt, I never once seen her cry though. It hurt me more than it ever did her.

The dark woods were cold and uncomforting. The only light I had to follow was the full moon that lit most of the pathway. I just needed to get to the hideout before anyone else could find me.

I spent a few days there, then decided to make my way into town. I couldn't allow this mess to come back to me. I just knew I would have to keep away from Ivan, at least until the heat died down.


I turned to see one of Ivan's men coming towards me.

“Hey Nic.” I say trying to play it cool.

“Where have you been? Ivan hasn't been home in days because he's been guarding Rosa.” He says like its nothing.

“Guarding? What happened?” I played off my concern as I knew she was dead.

“Someone attacked her and tried to leave her for dead.”

“What! That's crazy!” I said as I thought about it...she wasn't dead.

“You should go visit her.” he says.

I nodded, “Yeah, I probably maybe.”

Knowing Ivan, I knew where she would be. I knew he wouldn't leave at least I wouldn't.

I waited a few more days and decided the best time to go would be at night. I knew exactly where she was and I would go there. I would see for myself and decide if she would have to die. I made my way to her room, trying to blend in with the people spilling through the hospital.

There was no one outside her room, like I assumed there would be. I guess Ivan didn't care as much as I thought. I looked through the small window. She wasn't alone but it wasn't Ivan nor was it Jax. Whoever it was, he was in bed with her, snaked around her body as the both slept. I noticed their hands were on her stomach. Who the hell was this guy and why is Ivan allowing this.

“I'm telling you she's not going to be happy about this.” I hear Jax’s voice say.

I quickly take off the other way, when I hear Ivan say, “Yeah, which is why we are not to tell her!”

I wonder what that is about, why wouldn't he tell her? As I was about to walk out I walked right into Vera, Ivan's private nurse.

“Ahh Demetri! You here to see Ivan?” She questions.

“No, I was checking on our friend.” I said trying to read her.

She smiles, “Oh the girl, I'm so happy she's awake. Although her beau rarely leaves her side, probably worried about her and the baby.”

“Baby?” I asked.

She nods, “Yes, she's expecting.”

What have I done! Rosa was or is pregnant and the only worries I had was saving my own ass. If she really would have died Ivan would have scorched the earth. He would have killed anyone he would have killed anyone who he thought did him wrong or killed Rosa.

“Oh.” I said as I feel uneasy about things.

“Are you okay?” she asks.

I nod and just walk out the door. I kept thinking about what I just found out. That was her boyfriend that I saw, he didn't deserve her. Then I started thinking about Rosa as a mother, with a little girl just like her. Full of fire...and beautiful with her dark brown eyes.

I walked my way in confusion and somehow ended up at the church. I think I needed to seek comfort in God, at least what I was hoping. How could I expect forgiveness when I couldn't even think about forgiving myself.

“My Rosa.”

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