Chapter Fifty-three

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As I sneak back into the apartment, I can hear my future wife yelling.

“This better be the last dress! So help me God!”

I think about going to see what the problem is but right as I was going to start making my way to the bedroom; Jax comes out laughing.

“Logan, whatever you do, do not go in there!” he said with raised hands.

All I could do is laugh, “ I guess, thanks for the tip. I got a chance to check out his suit, “So, nice suit!”

He glances down at his  duds, “I know, right” He laughed then looked at me, “Uh yours is in Jeanette’s room, I would be quick and escape while you can.”

I listen down the hall one more time, “Fuck wearing a dress!” Rosalie shouts.

“ Um maybe I should go check out what is going on in there.” I point towards the room.

Jax stands up, “No, dude! Go before the hormonal wrath of Rosalie attacks you.” He said with a laugh. “I will go tell the bride to be you are here and handle the female madness.”

I watched him dart  back to the bedroom, with the craziness of Lord only knows how many women, all I know is Jeanette. Even though I still think I should have went to check on her, but I went on my way to Jeanette’s room.

Her room, it probably is larger than most spare rooms. Of course she had the normal bed, as I seem to forget, Jeanette is in Fashion school. She has the top of the line sewing machine, that seems to be covered in projects. I glanced around, there were pictures and sketches, along with ribbon. On her closet door, was a black garment bag hanging there.  I walked closer, my name was on a piece of paper on it.

I slowly unzipped the bag and noticed everything that Jeanette made possible in such a short time, I must not have been paying attention because next thing I noticed was arms around me.

“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you!”  Rosalie said as she snuggled up against my back.

I laughed, “Probably not as much as I missed you, Ro.”

She twisted around to be in front of me, I was able to check her out. She was still in a black silk robe and her hair was wrapped in curlers but even if she wanted to walk down the aisle looking like that then I would still be happy.

“The reason for the stop was to grab these.” she said as she grabs the small boxes from her pockets. “They were my parents, I hope you don’t mind.”

All I could do was smile as I looked at the rings. I grabbed the engagement ring and took her hand and slid it on to her finger, with a soft kiss placed after. “It's perfect, just like you.”

“Isn’t this so damn sweet!” Jeanette squeals from behind us.

“Don’t you have something else you could be doing besides bothering us?” I teased

“As a matter of fact I do!” She grabs Rosalie’s hand, “Lets go Ro, you need to get dressed and so does he by the looks of him.”

She sighs and leans up to kiss me but before she could she was snatched away.

“Excuse me!” I shout, “I wanted that kiss!”

I hear a laugh from Jeanette as I walk my way back to the suit hanging up. I must have been admiring my suit a bit too much because I was startled by Jax.

“Dude, are you going to shave? Maybe shower?” He questions me.

I run my hand through my hair and down the side of my face where there was some stubble. “Uh, problem…”

“Let me guess all your stuff is in the bathroom with all the maddening women?” He said with a laugh.

I nod in defeat, “Yeah.”

“My guess is you didn’t look at the note real well huh?” He questioned.

Note? I thought it was just a tag for me. “Uh?” I muttered out.

“Jeanette put together a box for you. All the essentials for tonight.” He handed me a small grey case, “Go shower, I will make sure the madness is all settled by the time you are done!”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you Jax, not just for this but for everything.”

“Oh man! No mushy stuff!” Jax teases! “Just go, I don’t need a reason for Rosalie or Jeanette to kill me.”

Going into the bathroom felt weird, her bathroom was not like Rosalie’s.  This bathroom had been painted to look like a beach, I glanced down and noticed that the floor looks almost like sand but with a glossy look. I started to wonder if it was Rosalie’s idea or Jeanette’s. Rosalie’s was a pale grey with different flowers hand painted on them.

I stopped wasting time and started by shaving my face, although it wasn’t that bad and I have looked worse but just as before Jax was right about me needing to shave.

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