Chapter Eleven

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I knew that right now I could be in shock. That although the girly side of me wanted to see him and touch him, looking at him now the way I look. Eek!

"What not happy to see me?" He smiled as it rolled off his lips.

I rolled my eyes, why did I have to find this man so attractive! Also, I could just hear Jeanette saying why are you wearing that!

"Logan! I told you I was going to be busy in my PJs tonight. Why are you here?" I questioned.

He starts to laugh, "Those are some funny looking pajamas."

I knew he was going to notice, "I went out to lunch with my friend Ari." (That would be easier than trying to explain other my other activities).

"Ahh, well I was actually heading home just wanted to stop by and see your face." as he says that a grin crosses his beautiful face.

I walk closer to him, that cockiness that he had when he asked me out before was back. I grabbed him by his white tee, "Officer!" I say as I place light kisses on his jawline.

"Me?" the only word to escape his lips before I crash into them.

The kiss was sweet but full of hunger as his hands pulled me tightly towards him, my arms wrap around his neck and lock my fingers together.

Pulling away, we both seemed to be out of breath, "I have to go" I mutter.

"Seriously? Can we at least talk about that?" He demands.

I shook my head, "Maybe tomorrow, I have to go into the office. I can call you after."

I turned towards the door, sliding in. "Night Officer Montgomery."

He smiled, "Goodnight beautiful."

I shut the door and locked it, not surprised at all Jeanette was still here. I put on my poker face. "What the hell are you still doing here?" I ask.

"I was actually leaving but someone blocking my way out." she teased.

"Ughh! Okay well, I'm going to get to bed." I say as I walk towards my room.

"You aren't going to tell me about what the hell that was in the hallway." She shouts.

I laugh, "Goodnight Jeanette!" Shouting as I change my clothes.

Slipping into my bed, all I wanted to do was sleep. That's exactly what I did. I fell into the light instead of my darkness. I dreamt of his face, his lips, his eyes and the way he gets cocky. Although with him I can't truly be myself, I will always have secrets. These are things I could not just tell anyone, especially him...a cop.

Why would did I let myself fall for someone like him. I mean it's not like I haven't dated, just never had this with him before. He looks at me as if I was a goddess. While I went weak when he touches me. As the light surrounded my body, the darkness spouted out. In a form, I didn't want to see, especially now.

"Oh have you missed me bitch!" He spits in anger.

I rolled my eyes, "Absolutely not!"

He walked closer, "Maybe I should show you what a bitch you truly are."

I laughed, "Jasper even in death, you are completely and utterly the biggest dumbass!"

He grabs me by the throat, trying to push me against the wall that had fabricated. I kneed him like the time he was drunk. He grunted and doubled over.

"Aw, Jasper are you okay?" I kneel down in front of him.

"You bitch! You bitch!" he screamed, "You don't deserve the power you have! I do!"

I pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Kind of hard to gain any power when you are ashes in the bottom of Lake Michigan."

He stands up and starts laughing, "But now I know you will never be rid of me, I will be here as long as you question everything, I'm not budging."

The gun appeared in my hand, "You forget I'm not questioning anything and this is just a dream." I put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger never once flinching at the sound of the gun or the blood covering me.

I use to wake myself screaming when I first left, somehow my past haunted me causing to having vivid dreams of the past. Now I just wake up in a sweat.

Climbing out of bed, I head to the kitchen for a glass of water. I grab my phone, I had a new message.

"Still can't get over that kiss."

I glanced at the time, it was a little midnight.

"Nor can I!" I smile as I sent it.

He must be sleeping, I should be sleeping.

One new message:

"We should do that again...VERY soon."

I smiled, "Agreed! Goodnight Logan."

I decided I needed to go back to bed because the sun would be up before I knew it. I would have to pour myself out of bed and head to the office where I will be all by my lonesome. Okay, I probably won't be alone, I think Saturday is when the cleaning crew comes in for a deep clean.

Hours go by and I have yet been able to fall back to sleep. I decide to get up and shower to start getting ready for the day.

I sent Jax a text, "Hey can you drive me to work?"

Of course, he would be awake this early, "Yeah, time?"



As I started getting ready I made sure to put the cream on my fresh ink. Although I would love to slip into my jeans I decided to wear business attire in case other employees show up.

I slip on my black dress and red heels, I walk over and sit in the mirror in my room. I start putting on my makeup and deciding braiding my hair would be fine.

7 a.m came fast and I got a message that he was here.

"Morning Jax!" I say as I slid into the SUV.

He smiled, "Morning Boss."

"Boss? Really? What did you do?" I question.

He laughs, "Nothing, just too much time spent with Hector and his fearful mind."

I put my head in my hand, "I regret not killing him!"

He laughs, "It will all be okay, by the way, we are here. Will you need a ride home?"

I shrugged, "Who knows Jax, I will let you know."

I walk into the building and was stopped by security.

"Can we help you?" One dares to ask.

"Nope!" I say as I start to walk to my office.

"Ma'am where's your pass!" he screams.

I stop dead in my tracks, "Right here!" I point at the large picture of myself with my name underneath.

"Ms. Falls I am so sorry! I didn't realize." he pleaded.

"Finish the day then you might want to figure out another job." I smile as I walked away

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