Chapter Nineteen

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Beautiful, how did he make me feel amazing just with one word? Why does my heart have to fight my head? My head keeps saying I'm going to hurt him in the long run and end up hurting myself. Every moment I am with him, I find myself falling deeper and deeper.

“Rosalie!” Jax shouted.

I must have zoned out but he snapped me back into my own thoughts.

“Sorry, drop me off at my car. I need you to go find Hector. He was supposed to show up today for a position. He never did.” I said.

“You don't think he can do you?” Jax questions.

“He better not, I'm hoping he just forgot,” I say and just shrug.

He nods, “I'll swing by and grab Alec.”

“Sounds like a plan, I'm going to busy tonight so no calls.”

He eyed me in the mirror, “Busy? Huh?”

I rolled my eyes, “Seriously?”

He laughed, “Have a goodnight Boss!” He says as he drops me off at my car.

I headed home, the drive was fast and I was home in mere moments. As I made it to my apartment, I noticed the door wasn't locked. I walked in quietly, only to find someone sleeping on my sofa.

“Seriously Jeanette! Wake up!” I shout.

She wakes up in a panic, “Ro! When did you get home? What time is it?” She says as she looks around.

“A minute ago! What is the rule here Jen!” I shout.

“Always lock the door when I'm alone!” She smacks her head at her stupidity. “Sorry Ro, I just forgot.”

I nod, “Well it's time for you to leave. I will see you tomorrow.”

She nods, “You aren't mad are you?”

“No Jeanette, I'm not but you know my life is hectic and dangerous. I would feel horrible if something happened to you.”

“Ro, you worry too much.” She says as she rolls her eyes.

I hug her, “I won't let my life ruin yours and that's why you deserve everything that this world has to offer you.”

“Bye Ro,” she says as she leaves.

I just waved instead of talking but I knew I needed to get her out so I could get ready. I take a quick shower changing into something comfortable. I ordered the food before he showed up, so I don't have to worry about his ego getting in the way.

I hear the intercom buzz, “Ms. Falls did you order some take out?”

“Yes Fred, send them up.”

I quickly handle the payment and deciding to set up everything on the counter. I grab plates and forks. I went to grab something else but I heard a knock at my door. What is funny is I swear that Logan just flashes his badge to get to my door. Because I would have heard Fred ask about him.

“Coming!” I yelled.

I unlocked the door and opened it. Before I could say hello he pulled me into a full embrace. Bring his lips to mine, as if he had a hunger for them and I returned that hunger as my hands drifted up his neck. He finally pulled away, leaving me breathless.

“Dinner smells good!” He says as he places his forehead on mine.

“Chinese, I figured if I could order it before you get here you won't try to be so chivalrous and I could pay for dinner.”

He laughed as I grabbed his hand and walked to the food. Handing him a plate, we both dig in.

“What movie are we going to watch?” I ask.

He shrugs, “Whatever you want my sweets.”

There he goes again, making me feel like complete Jell-O. Just as I thought about forgetting dinner and attacking him my phone goes off.

“Go! Go get it!” he pushes me.

I nod grabbing my phone and walking off to the kitchen.

“This better be important.”

“Ro, we found Hector,” Jax says.

“Where?” I question.

I gripped the edge of the counter, holding myself steady.

“He's dead, he was using again.”

“Well call the cleaners, I will talk to his mother tomorrow. I will handle it, you just handle things on your end.”

“Yes, Boss.”

I hung up and held back a scream. I walked back into the living room. He sat on the sofa and was eating and flipping through the tv channels.

“I'm sorry about that. How is dinner?” I ask.

He smiles and pats the seat next to him. I slide in next to him and start to eat.

“Find a movie?” I ask.

He shakes his head, “No, here you pick.”

I smile, I knew the movie I wanted to see and I was certain he never saw it before. The movie started and you could tell it was completely old.

“How old is this movie?” he questions.

I shrug, “1948? I believe.”

“Hm…” he says as he sits back.

I finished my dinner and placed the plate on the table. He was already done and pulled me closer.

“Would you hire someone else to be you, so you can spy on me?” He asks in a joking way.

“No, I don't think I would. Plus its kind of hard to have someone be another person in this day of the cyber age.” As I say this, I think of awful things like how my life is a messy situation.

The movie had ended and I was entangled into Logan. His arms were wrapped around me and my legs were entwined with his, while my fingers left light traces on his arms.

“Did you enjoy the movie?” I asked.

He smiled and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, “Surprisingly, yes.”

I smiled, “SEE I TOLD YOU!”

He laughs, “You were right.”

I smiled, “I like the sound of that.”

He smirks, “Is that so?” As he grabs me and pins me down to the sofa. Kissing my neck causing me to crave him. Before I knew it a moan of excitement escaped my lips.

He pulls away “So how do you like being right?”

I eyed him, “If that is some kind of reward then yes I do enjoy it.”

He smiles, “So are you certain you want to come to dinner tomorrow?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I agreed to go with you unless you want to invite someone else.”

“Who else would I want there besides my girlfriend?”  He asks as he places a soft kiss on my forehead.

Girlfriend? Wait! What! When did this happen! The wait isn't this what I wanted or do I? Can I be with Logan?

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