Chapter Eight

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Logan's POV

What do you do when one of the most of powerful women in Chicago's personal assistant calls you and sets something up? You say yes and go for whatever she says.

I went to her door and at the time felt nervous. Why is this? I'm Logan Montgomery! Women usually swoon over me. So, to answer why I'm feeling like this, Rosalie Falls is nothing like the women who swoon over me.

She came out, she was breathtaking. Although she was beautiful the first time I saw her, she radiated authority and showed it. Now, well now she is

“Ready?” I ask as I reach for her hand.

She smiles and nods, “Yeah lets.”

I know she her assistant said drinks but I wasn't ready to let her go that easily. She made me work for this, even after she said no.

I glance down at my watch, “We better hurry, we might miss our reservations.”

She looks at me as my hand is still laced with hers. “Dinner? Ida said drinks! Okay didn't say but her note did!”

“Note? I know She said drinks but do you think I'm going to treat you as some blind date I want to figure out if I need to flee from?” I laugh.

She sighed, “Fine Officer Montgomery but don't think you are going to get lucky.” she smiled as she took her hand from mine as we stepped off the elevator.

Then I was, lost! Lost because I no longer had her hand but also lost because she was right, any other woman I wouldn't have made the effort to take her to dinner. I would just grab drinks and then ask if they want to head back to my place.

“Ms. Falls, you scorn me!” I laugh as I place my hands on my heart.

I help her into the car, she rolls her eyes as she starts to get into the car. I wanted to put my hand on hers but feared that she would just take it away again.  What the hell is wrong with me!

“So Officer Montgomery, how does someone like you decide to become an officer of sweet Chicago?” She asks sweetly.

DAMNIT! Why did I become a cop!?!

“I guess because superhero was a fairytale.” I smile as I say.

She laughs and I feel weak! What is wrong with me, man up!  

“How does someone become so powerful at a young age?” I ask hoping she wasn't offended by the question.

“Um, being great with numbers and being able to say what needs to be said and not just because that's what they want to hear.” She says almost nervously.

I'm guessing she is like this because we aren't in her element. Assuming she is having the same issue I am!

“We are here,” I say.

She looks up, “Volare?”

I nod, “Have you been?”

She smiles and nods, I take her hand again. Once again I'm at ease, why am I still battling with my inner self?

“Welcome! Name? OH! EM! GEE! ROSALIE!” the young girl shouts.

Rosalie smiled, “Hey Bella. How are things going?”

Of course, everyone would know her.

“Just fine, just fine! Who is this hunk!” Bella questions.

Rosalie looks a little crimson as she makes the introductions, “Bella this is my friend Officer Logan Montgomery.”

“Officer?” Bella looks fearful.

We both nod, “Yes now can we get a table?” Rosalie demands.

“Yes, this way!”Bella frantically grabs menus and walks us to a private table.

I helped her in her seat, as Bella stood there smiling.

“Is Antonio working tonight?” Rosalie asked.

Nodding happily, “Yes I will send him right over.”

Who the hell is Antonio and why is he going to come over? In walks this man who could have walked straight off the ‘Abercrombie & Fitch’ ad.

“Ciao Bello!” in a thick Italian accent.

Rosalie smiled, “Antonio! How are you!” She smiled as she placed a kiss on each of her cheeks.

Then the conversation switched to Italian. I wish I had learned a second language in school although the way Rosalie is talking she couldn't have picked that up from any school. She was almost native while talking.

“Sorry this is my friend Logan” she introduces me.

He eyes me as I reached out to shake his hand, “Nice to meet you.”

He smiled and nods, “I will put that order in.”

As he walks away, “Order?” I questioned.

“Oops, I kind of ordered for us. I can get him back if you have a problem with that.”

“No!” The problem I would have is if he did come back. How can I compete with that!

“How do you know one another?”  I ask.

She smiles, “Antonio was my childhood sweetheart.”

Childhood sweetheart! What! Deep breath!

“So much to learn!” I mutter.

She smiles and touches my hand, “He doesn't worry, Antonio is a major playboy, and our past is just that.”

But why am I thinking sometimes history repeats itself.

“Officer Montgomery is someone a bit worried? Do we need to fetch your uniform?” She teased.

“We just might!” I teased back.

Dinner came back, it looked amazing. This was something I would never order myself.

“How's the food?” she asks.

I smiled, “Delicious!”

We made small talk like that throughout dinner, she told me about how she studied all over the world. That's why she’s fluent in Italian. I also found out she speaks Russian, French and Spanish. She isn't as fluent in Thai or Mandarin as she is in the others. Although I doubt that.

Her dating life has been nonexistent since settling in Chicago at 18 years old. Her family has disappeared, that's why she is always pouring herself into her business.

I was so plain compared to her, I grew up east of Chicago actually in Indiana. I always saw Chicago as a dream to live in and when my buddy said he was moving here for school I came with.

“So, I know it's kind of late but would you like to take a walk?” I ask.

She smiles, “Sure, I know where to go.”

I waited for the check to come and it never did, “Strange!”


“Where's the check?” I question.

She looks down and blushes, “Uh, let’s just go!”

She stands up and reaches for my hand. “You do realize I am an officer and I will be in big trouble for not paying the bill.”

She laughs, “Now officer Montgomery I would never get you into any trouble.”

We walk to the door and Bella smiles at Rosalie, “Here, Antonio packed two.” handing her a brown bag.

“Thank you, Bella!” She smiled at her.

A Mobster & her OfficerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora