Chapter Forty-seven

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Logan's POV

"Sir, the plane will be landing shortly.”  a cheerful flight attendant shakes me awake.

Jolting up knocking the book into my lap, I was actually back home but without Rosalie. I look out the window and watch as we get closer and closer to Midway.

“Thank you for flying with us,” cheery flight attendants say in a chorus as I exit the plane.

I sighed, I turned on my phone and hope to get a message from Rosalie but there was no text. As I started to walk out of the airport a voicemail pings my phone.

“Hey babe, you're probably almost home. I just...thump, thump...I just wanted to tell you, I will be back…thump, thump...after I clean up.”

I kept wondering what the hell was that noise was in the background but she sounded fine, but I'm still waiting for her to be here to know.

As I made my way out, I stop when I noticed a I heart Chicago onesie. Normally I wouldn't have stop or even looked at it, but I stopped. I kept replaying Rosalie’s words, “home.” Home for us is Chicago, the city where we have tied ourselves to, where our child will have nail us to.

“Is this all?” The man behind the cash register questions.

I nod, drawing my wallet out.

“$10.95” he says flatly.

Handing him my debit card, I glance around and noticed it starting to get louder in the airport.

Handing me a bag, “Come again!” He says with a cheerful tone.

“Thank you!” I said with a smile.

I started to walk out and I noticed a sign with my name on it.

“Ya, that's me.” I pointed to the sign.

The man grabbed my bag, “Okay sir, follow me.” He says as he quickly walks out.

“Uh if you don't mind me asking, who set this up?” I ask him as we made it to car.

He chuckles, “Ms. Falls, she said you would ask.”

“Rosalie?” I questioned.

He nods, “Yeah and my orders are to take you to her building and nowhere else.”

I sighed, like I wanted to go anywhere else. The only thing was I wanted Rosalie to be there waiting for me.

I climbed in the car and watched out the window. I felt like a child when we would take trips to Chicago.  Although I wasn't on a bus, I was in a black suv.

“So how do you know Ms. Falls?” the driver questions sitting me out of my thoughts.

“I'm her boyfriend.” I say with a little fear because I did want to announce our engagement but I don't know him and I'd rather not have this in the tabloids.

“Lucky man, I've seen her in the magazines, she is very beautiful.” He says making small talk.

I nod and go back to staring out the window. It wasn't long until we pulled up to the building.

“Mr. Montgomery” the driver says as he opens the door.

Taking a deep breath, I step out, “Thank you.”

I grab my bag as he grabs it from the back, “Here, I'll take that.”

“Are you sure? Sir I can carry it up.” He asks.

I nod, “Yeah, I'm fine.”

“Well sir, it was a pleasure.” He says a handshake.

“Thank you again.” I say as I start to walk into the building.

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