Chapter Sixty-Three

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Jax face drops, "What do you mean without Logan?" he questions in a mer whisper.

"Just that!" I said just as a nurse comes in.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Montgomery-Falls! My goodness that is a mouth full" she said with a laugh.

Jax looks at me, "I guess I will step outside."

"You can stay its alright." I said looking at him.

She rolls her little machine over to me, "We have to run one last ultrasound on you to see how your baby is doing."

Jax looks at me, "Maybe I should go find Logan." Jax said as he looks at the door.

I shake my head, "This isn't a private meeting. I guess I should have told you sooner. I have been making plans to get out of here."

"Wait! What?" he said, confused.

"This lovely is Janet. Janet is a single mother with a deadbeat for an ex."

Still puzzled, "Okay and?" Jax questions.

"She also lives in a shit part of the city, I told her I could help her if she could help me." I said with a smile.

"Help..How?" he asked.

"See I know there's an apartment open in the lower half of my building, I told her I would get her in. I also told her I could get her kid in the private school Jeanette went to." I said with a deep breath, "She was sold and I asked which doctor wouldn't mind a bribe to lie about..."

"ABOUT WHAT!" Jax now questioned in anger.

Janet interrupts, "Sorry I must go get the doctor now."

"Okay, thank you Janet!" I said with a smile.

A small knock hits my door, Jax opens it. "Who are you?" he questioned.

"Dude, I am just here to deliver this package to Rosalie Falls." a young kid announces.

"Thank you!" I shout from my room.

Jax grabs the package and brings it to me. "Here."

"What is it? Well, I emailed the lawyer and had him draft up some documents for me. First was Janet's lease agreement, she is to pay 250 a month to this bank account for her rent. She is in charge of all her utilities. I also got her kid in the school on a scholarship for the rest of his school years." I said.

"How did you manage all of that?" he asked.

I laugh, "Well I own that building anyways, the apartment was opened for emergencies because I had not decided what to do with it yet. The scholarship was because I still donate every year to them." I said with a smile.

"Other documents?" he questioned.

I nod, "Yeah the second one is for this doctor to sign, its NDA and saying the payment will be sent to his bank account right after the document is signed."

"Wait, NDA? For a the doctor." He questioned.

I nod, "Yeah you will see." I said leaving him puzzled.

"Okay." he said.

"Third is my divorce papers." I said.

"DIVORCE?!?" He yells.

I shake my head, "This is the time you go get Logan, the doctor will be back soon."

"Ro, you are leaving me in the dark again." he said.

I take his hand, "Jax, trust me it is for the best."

Janet comes back in, "Doctor said he will be in about 15 minutes."

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