Chapter Thirty-Five

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This week I spent long hours at the office. I would wake up at four and go for a run and then come home, shower, get dress and go to work all by six. By the time I left it was already nine. Ida would push food in front of me, demanding that I ate. I later would return the favor by forcing her to go home before me.

I would head home to an empty apartment because Logan has seemingly been avoiding me. I mean not completely he seemed to show up at work right around the time Ida would push food on me. He would say something about not wanting to bother me. But I knew something was off, I knew I had hurt him by making the choice of going to Russia. Every day he would stop by and always felt like time was shorter and shorter.

Thursday had finally came, I had only went to the office half day. I came home only to once again empty. Somehow over the past few months I enjoyed the rapid increase of a home. I have always had Jeanette here but she's actually been focused on school. Logan was my built in home, he was always there fighting the darkness with his light. Now neither one are here and I am alone which I use to want once before.

I packed my bag, I wouldn't need to pack the the dresses and other business attire. Right as I finished, I heard a knock on the door. As I walked out my room, I started to hope it wasn't anyone important because I would look awfully silly here in my pajamas. Although with my pajamas, they just looked like oversized shirt and shorts. It wasn't like cupcake pajamas or rainbows and unicorns. The shirt was just some navy blue oversized shirt that I fell in love with.

The door started knocking again, “I'm coming!” I yell right before opening the door.

There stood Jax, green duffle in one hand and a pizza in the other. “Are you going to invite me in?” he questions.

I ushered him in, he tossed the pizza on the counter and went into the kitchen for plates.

“All packed?” he asks.

“Yeah, just finished.” I said as he hands me a plate. I looked at the pizza and sadly I wasn't hungry for it, I didn't want to eat.

“Ro you need to eat!” he says as he looking at me.

I shake my head, “I'm not hungry, Jax.”

“One piece Rosalie! Ida told me you didn't eat today, she also mentioned you have been working crazy hours with little sleep.”

I rolled my eyes, “Hens” I mutter.

“Ro, you aren't going back to the lion’s den alone.” he says as he hands me a plate.

I sigh and accepted the plate, “You hens need to hush!”

He walked over and slumped onto my sofa, “Where is Logan?” he questions.

I thought this would never have came from his mouth, but it did. I thought I could forget about the part that I'm missing...that light I needed.

“Logan is...I honestly have no idea where he is.” I said with a shrug. I looked a Jax, “I'm going to go lay down for a bit.”

He nods, “Okay Ro.”

I walked to my room and tossed my bag out in the hallway. My bed didn't look or feel the same without Logan. My sleep was restless as I felt my body toss and turned. My mind sped all over the place, I couldn't stand it any longer. Until I drifted into the darkness at least I think it was the darkness.

There he was, light. I looked down at myself, I had stepped out of the shower and I was still dripping wet. I saw his blue eyes look at my drip wet tattoo body.

“I don't understand” He says as he shakes his head in confusion.

I wrapped the towel around my body, “This is me, I am the darkness.”

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