Chapter Seven

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The week seemed to speed past, it was Thursday and I was unhappy about that. After the mess with Jasper, I was left to tell his sister of his wrongdoings. Luckily his sister wanted nothing to do with him and is happy he got what he deserved. Things seem to go back to how they were supposed to be.

“Ro, Jax and Alec are here.” Ida buzzes in.

“Send them in”

They both stroll in, “Boss”

“Boys” I smile and say.

I knew they were here to figure out about the delivery from Russia.

“So what is this product?” Alec asks as they sit in the seats in front of my desk.

I roll my eyes, “Not a product.”

They both eye me in confusion, but I was right it wasn't a ‘product’, not like drugs or guns at least.

“There is going to be about twenty-five girls,” I say as calmly as I can.

“PEOPLE?” Jax yelled.

I nodded, “Yes and I want limited people with you when you accept it.”

“What do you plan on doing?” Alec questions.

I eyed them both, I'm sure both were thinking of the worst of me. Assuming I was planning to use these girls for what Russia thinks how I would, ‘Sex Slaves’.

“Alec” I breathed, “Jax I want limited people there in the warehouse, I want eyes outside.”

They both nod in understanding, “Okay” Jax said.

“I will be there after everything is secure.” I assert to them. “Will you be ready next week?”

“I think so?” Alec says uncertainly of this.

I smile, “Okay you are dismissed.”

They both seemed to be ready to get up. But before they left I figured I would put them at ease.

“Ah and boys, the girls aren't here for what you think. I'm a lot of things but not that far gone.” I smiled at them.

I saw them both take a deep sigh as they walked out the door.

“Ida!” I buzz.

“Yes Ro?” she questions.

“Can you come in?” I question.

I waited for an answer but she came right in.

“You ready for your date?” she squeals in excitement.

I roll my eyes, I was thinking of everything else but that. Although part of me was thinking of Logan, that nagging part of me that was to be normal and girly. The part of that I usually try to tie up and gagged.

“Oh yeah, can't you tell?” I deadpanned.

She smiled and ignoring my sarcasm, “What did you need?”

I tried to look around my desk, “Wasn't there a hotel that was up for sale, didn't I see something like that.”

She nods walking over and pulling the small file off my desk, “Here, you said you weren't interested.”

At the time I wasn't, the hotel wasn't close and it was a bit run down. People have lost interest in it and there would be no money there for it because it was a bit off from the city. Now I was looking at the project in a whole new light.

“Ida sits down,” I said in a bit of a demanding tone.

She eyed me as she sat down, “What is it?”

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