Chapter One

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Have you ever been swallowed by the darkness? Or a hole that every time you tempted to crawl out of the hole, it gets deeper. That's been my life for sure.

"Here's the job the boss wants to be done if you can't get it done then he would be more than happy to find someone to get it done." I smiled, "As well as you." handing a file to them.

Two men both heavy built and dressed in suits, who have never met the boss but has heard enough to fear what will happen to them if they do wrong.

"No need to worry Ro, the job will be done," Jasper said.

I walked over to him eyeing his big blue eyes, tap the side of his face, "Ah that's a good boy! Now go I have work to do." I laugh as they both quickly left.

As they walked out of my frosted glass office, I walked to my desk and gathered up my stuff, the time was getting late and I knew I needed to get to the docks to monitor things, although I'm sure everything will go just fine with or without me.

"Ah, Ro, there's some LEOs here to talk to you," says Ida the sweet little secretary popping her head through the door.

I nod, "Ida, let them in!"

"Rosalie Falls?" says the officer.

I smiled as I gesture him to the seats in front of my desk. I slid onto my desk and held back any laugh that I wanted to let out as I watched his eyes linger on my bare legs.

"So, officer how can I help you?" I smile at him.

I watched him blush as I slowly crossed my legs, "Ah Ms. Falls I am here to talk to you about the man he calls himself the Darkness!"

I rolled my eyes, of course, this is what they want, "Sir, I have no idea who you are talking about" I stood up, "and if I did what would that have to do with me. I own a few bars and a paper company. I pay my taxes and last time I checked my businesses are in fine standing."

His eyes started getting bigger and he stood up out of embarrassment, "Ma'am! We are just here to ask if you knew of him."

"Ma'am? How old do you think I am?" I snapped.

I pull the loose strand behind my ear, "Sir if you don't mind I do need to get back to work. Please leave any questions you might have with my secretary and I will have my attorney get back to you."

I shoving him out the door as he keeps apologizing for his actions. I knew he would be back but my lawyer would keep him busy.

"Ida, can you please get Henry on the line," I shout.

She nodded, "Line one Ro."

I picked up the phone, "Henry?"

"Rosalie? What is going on?" Henry questions.

I laughed, "Nothing yet but two officers left my office, but only one came to talk."

Henry was Chicago's best attorney, hell if Capone was still around the trumped-up charges he was arrested for never would have happened. He's a bit of a shark, although he has never met the darkness he claims to have as a client.

"Did you tell them anything?" he questions me.

I laugh, "Of course Henry, I told them everything even where to find the shipment!" I deadpanned.

"Rosalie! Now is not the time for your dry humor!" he scoffed at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Henry, why are we paying you if get all in a twist every time an officer shows up at my office."

"Rosa-" He starts to say.

I decided now was the time to hang up, I walked out the door, "Ida you can leave in a bit, Jen is coming to take your place for the rest of the night. Go home kiss the kids for me. If Henry calls tell him I will return his call tomorrow."

Ida looked as if she was overworked and her red hair was a bit of a mess from the tight bun she had this morning. Her makeup was reaching the last of its time.

"Okay Ro, have a good night." She smiles.

The phone starts to ring again, "Falls Corp." Ida says.

"No, she isn't in and she left a message for you, She said she will call you tomorrow."

Ahh, it must be Henry. I shook my head and walked to the elevator. I knew the time, as soon I stepped off I was greeted by the officer from my office.

"Ms. Falls, I just wanted to apologize again for my actions." he pleaded with me.

I smiled Henry must have called his boss, which meant this was apology was ordered. Although by the looks of him he was a rookie and still learning.

I looked at him and ran my fingers down the side of his jaw, "Aw aren't you a sweet pea."

"Ma'am, I mean Miss, I am truly sorry." His hands grip his hat.

I looked at the time, "Listen to a sweetpea, it's not your fault. You were just doing a job but if you will excuse me I have to be somewhere."

Nodding, "Ah, yeah. Can we escort you somewhere?"

I laughed, "No, see that man out there," I pointed, "That is my driver and my bodyguard. I think I will be fine."

I stepped closer to him and pressed my lips to his cheek leaving dark red lipstick on his face, "Thank you, Officer.Montgomery."

"Its Logan, Ms. Falls." he smiles.

He was sweet a bit eager but very sweet, "Well Logan, my name is Rosalie, please remember it next time." I say.

I walked away leaving him in a cute dazed, his partner just nodded as I made my way to the black SUV.

"Where to Ms. Falls?" Jax spoke as soon as I slid in.

Jax doubled as my driver and my bodyguard, although I rarely needed him as the bodyguard. He had black hair but buzzed cut and the greenest of eyes. He was older than me but to be fair most of these men were. He was a retired army ranger who lost his way. I offered him a job, even cleaned him up.

I looked at my phone, "Hm?"

Jax spoke again, "I said where too?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Drive around and make sure we aren't followed by the boy scouts, then to the docks." I announced.

All he did was a nod, he was reserved but he would take a bullet for me. I liked that about him. I took this time to call Henry.

"What now Rosalie!" He demanded.

"I'm assuming you called their boss and mentioned that I contribute a large sum to CPD and that I am close friends with the mayor. Did I get it about right?" I pulled back my anger.

"Of course I did, how else did you expect me to clean up YOUR mess? I would love to hear what your boss would think of you letting officers into your office."

I laughed, "First off it was one officer and I let him in and he left as soon as I said to leave. Second, if you are trying to threaten me then you might want to think twice, who would the boss believe, me the person who has been by his side for many years or you: the lowlife bottomfeeding shark that only goes where the money is."

"Rosa-" he starts to talk again.

"Shut up Henry! You are paid to do a job, you did it. Because unlike you I have nothing to fear." I hissed.

You could hear the panic, "What does that mean?" he questions.

"Does your wife know about the townhouse or that bitch what is she going by now, oh that's right Channel. Like that bitch even knows how to spell it. If I ever hear you running your mouth again you won't like the outcome." Keeping my tone down but I could hear Jax snicker.

"Sorry Rosalie, it won't happen again." he pleads.

I hung up and looked at Jax, "Something funny up there?"

He shook his head "We are here though."

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