Chapter Twenty-seven

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"We have a few of the men circled around the warehouse watching and waiting, but only the three of us will be in the warehouse," Alec tells me as I change my clothes.

I feel eyes on my skin but not in a sexual way, "Boys can you quit making this awkward, yes there's scars and tattoos that are covered, next time I do for a touch up I'll invite you over."

The both quickly spun around, and I laughed. "Jax, what time are they suppose to be here?" I ask.

He looks at his watch, "Ten minutes give or take."

I slide my shirt on and walk in front of them, "Are you ready?"

They both nodded, I looked at them.

"Good now go put the Kevlar on!" I said.

They both rolled their eyes as if I told them they had to eat their veggies. I want them to be safe although Ivan would shoot them in the head, not the chest. He would shoot me in the heart for some ironic meaning.

"Ro? Are you sure you are okay?" Alec asks.

I grab my boots and hop on my desk, putting them on, "Yes Alec, you could already ask Jax, he asked earlier."

Hopping down, I put my gun in the holster behind my back, both of them are still watching me as if I was going to change into something magical.

"LET'S GO!" I shout leaving

I'm starting to thinking telling them about my past was an awful choice. Now they are looking at me as if either I was glass or I might become a unicorn. Maybe it was fear they were thinking.

The door rolls open and a container is towed in by truck, it slowly rolls down. Once down it takes off, Alec and Jax slowly open the door. Out pops a man with shaggy brown hair, a stubble. What had this man done to himself? His eyes or should I say finally met mine. "Rosa" He mumbles as he walks over and kisses my cheek.

Alec and Jax quickly reached for their guns worried that Ivan would hurt me.

"Ivan" I mutter.

His arms wrapped around me and whispered in my ear, "God have I missed you my Rosa." in his thick Russian accent.

His nickname for me didn't bother me before but now that he's here and he's touching me, it made my skin crawl. "Ivan I stopped being your anything since we last seen one another, you know after you told me that I was nothing but a whore."

He pushed his hair away from his face and looked at me, "Rosa, I was so very sorry, I should never say, such things to you..."

"Ivan, enough with the bullshit, why are you here! I thought I made it very clear to you what I would do." I said as I crossed my arms.

He nodded, "Yes, Yes, I forgot how impatient you were! I will talk about it later."

I rolled my eyes, "Alec can you take Ivan up to the office."

He nods, I wait for the walk up the stairs. I look at Jax, "Let's get them out."

There were 20 girls who look like they spent way more time in the container than Ivan had.

"Please come out," I say in soft tones.

They all looked at me in fear, "Друг не ворог" I say as most of the girls are from a small village in Ukraine.

They start filing out, I look at Jax, "Can you call that nurse." I ask.

He nods and walks out. I notice the girls fidget.

I stand in front of the girls, "I know what you have gone through, I have been in the same situation but I do know that they lied to you when they told you what you would be used for here." I took a deep breath, "I have set up things for you. I know you have all been branded, but you have a choice, you can get it removed, get it covered, which by the way I have a great friend for that or use a special cover-up that will have to be touched up every so often."

They all look at one another like they were feeling afraid something bad is coming up. "You will all have a choice to work or go to school or both. I am here if you would like to talk." I looked around, "My men will be taking to your new living facilities, you will have fresh clothes but we have to buy more. Tonight you go relax, there will be food there so, go relax I will check on you tomorrow!"

They walked out towards the vans with Jax and Alec, I decided it was the best time to go see what Ivan wanted.

"Rosa!" he jumps up to see me.

I roll my eyes, "Now tell me what you want!"

"You! I want you to come back home to Russia" He says as he touches my face.

I slap his hand away, "Why the hell would I go with you! What would make you think I would ever want to be with you!"

"We Rosa don't you remember the great memories we had?"

I laughed, "Yeah, you're right we had some great moments and I use to think you would be my hero but yeah that was nothing but a foolish dream."

He walked closer, "Rosa I never hurt you."

Now I was starting to getting pissed, "You're right, expect the drunken nights, or the time you allowed your men to 'break me in'" I scoffed.

"Rosa! I did apologize for that, but you did do this to my face!" he points to his scar.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't even! Ivan, I did what I needed to do. I don't regret doing it!"

"Rosa I know you don't, but come back to Russia and you will be queen." He says as he takes my hand.

"No Ivan! I won't! Now I can't be the only reason you are here."

He looks down almost defeated, "You are right, I'm having trouble with loyalty back home."

"Why do you think bringing me would help?" I ask.

"Well, um, I was hoping," he mutters something under in Russian before looking at me.

"Ivan! So help me god! I should have killed you, you thought I would come back and sleep with your loyal men. Ha! Handle your own issues! You don't see me calling you for my problems."

"Rosa! You don't get it! My men are starting to think they would lead better?" I looked at him.

"Have you ever tried a clean cut and a shave? Maybe pulling out your suits instead this bum look you are trying to pull off but can't." I look at him.

"This the in style Rosa!" He scoffs.

I crossed my arms, "You are a Russian gangster, not some drunken bum. Act like it. Now I can come to Russia to handle your problem but it will cost you! And I will handle it my way, not your way!"

"I will think about your offer, I really wish you would come with me to be my queen."

I rolled my eyes and fought the urge to punch him! "Never going to happen!"

He kisses my cheek, "I know, I know! I am leaving tonight, I need to get back."

"Great! Have a nice flight." I waved from a distance as he tries to come closer.

"Rosa! Please understand-" he pleads.

I raise my hand, "No, No, No! Just leave! Don't come back to Chicago, because you will be another blood stain in the city of Chicago."

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