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"'Unto the Moon deity the twins were born,

One of the mind the other of the spirit

Thus began the birth of the Royal Wolves.'




'The twins grew under the protective gaze of the Moon deity. They were an enigma unknown thus far to the world and undoubtedly the ultimate creation of the Moon deity. With intelligence superseding all of her other creation, strength unparalleled to any other, power so great it'd send shivers of dread to whoever crossed their path, the twins ruled the world they lived in as the Alphas of the joint pack Bratista. With their rule began the birth of the Royal Wolves.

Zurkrel, the older twin was blessed with the innate ability to manipulate mind and matter. He led his pack with great power and iron-clad authority. His royal wolf, Skotadi stood tall with snow-white fur and platinum markings along its chest. A light gray mist enveloped Skotadi giving him a mystifying appearance. His pack members were called Royal Skotadi Wolves.

Arkus, the younger twin blossomed spiritually with his royal wolf Pnevma, and hones the spiritual aura. He believed in harmony between their human, wolf and royal wolf forms. His royal wolf Pnevma had a majestic white fur with silver streaks running through his back. A calming white aura embodied Pnevma.

On the 18th birth year of the twins, they entered the 'Awakening', a ritual to awaken their dormant royal wolves' ability. It was on this day the first clash between the twins took place.

Zurkrel awakened the power to manipulate the emotions of all creatures and animate his thoughts. He could now alter the actions of people by taking hold of their emotions and could create almost anything from his thoughts but they did not hold life.

Arkus awakened the power to manipulate life force due to his close proximity with the spiritual force. He could heal, bring back the nearly dead to life and alter the course of wandering spirits.

Angered and envious of his twin's ability Zurkrel blamed the Moon deity for her favoritism. He believed that he should have greater power than his timid younger twin. Blinded by rage, Zurkrel's emotions turned sinister and the seed of hatred was sown. Soon his aura altered from the light grey mist to a horrifying tainted black. In this heated argument, Arkus managed to subdue his twin's rage by tapping into his human spirit body and soon he fled to avoid confrontation.

The Royal Wolves had three forms, the human, the normal wolf and the royal wolf form. Zurkrel fumed from the defeat of being subdued and blamed his human form for his weakness. He led his pack to forever abandon their human spirit by throwing away their human emotions, and becoming one with their primal wolves. Unknown then, that his decision would bring forth the horrifying form of themselves, he led his pack to defeat and take the twin's throne to become the sole ruler of Bratista.

Aware of his twin's hatred, Arkus knew that confrontation was inevitable. He taught his pack the ability to use spiritual energy by being in complete harmony with their inner wolf spirit. With this their normal wolf form soon altered to a new spirit wolf form.

The war that followed was bloody and terrifying with teeth gnawing, claws clashing and the rumbles of spiritual aura clashing with the dark haze. Arkus was gob-smacked at seeing the feral and blood-curdling appearance of his brother and his pack. They were devoid of all human emotions and were led by their primal instincts. Their royal wolf form was tainted with hatred and agony. Their wolves were later known as 'Rogues'.

The battle proceeded with screams, tears and the death of half of each pack. Unable to tolerate any more bloodshed Arkus made a final attempt. He used his life force to separate Zurkrel's spiritual aura from his wolf and destroyed Skotadi. This shattered the mind of all of Zurkrel's pack and ended the long and torturous war. Killing of his brother's wolf took a huge toll on Arkus' spirit and his human emotions soon began to upset his spiritual balance. Fearing himself going 'Rogue' from the devastation, he used his remaining power to free his royal wolf Pnevma's spirit and ended his own life.

The Moon deity loved both her child dearly and seeing the tragedy that befell her kin she blamed herself for the gifts she had bestowed upon the twins. To ensure this tragedy to never repeat its course, she created the 'Werewolves' a new creation which could shift from a man to a wolf. She gifted her new creation with the gifts of strength, healing and longevity but restrained herself from doing more. Thus, the new breed was brought into the world and the era of the 'Werewolves' began. A breed that could no longer talk to their inner wolf but only sense it.

The previous wolves from both the twin's pack were lost without their Alphas and soon their royal wolf powers were sealed. The Moon deity forbade them from ever forming packs again. No one knows what became of Zurkrel's and Arkus's spirit; they seemed to have simply disappeared without a trace. Bratista, the Eden for the Royal wolves soon became the ruins that spoke of the tragic clash of the two first and last Alpha Royal Wolves. It is said that the Moon bled a deep shade of red for a month following the fall of the royal wolves.

The teachings of the Royal wolves were passed on from generation to generation through the bloodline of the surviving Royal Pnevma Wolves. Without their royal wolves within them they became known as the Spirit Wolves who were the only ones who could still communicate with their inner wolves and harness its spiritual energy. The Moon deity held sympathy for they were the followers of Arkus who taught goodness and harmony. Their existence however became shrouded in mystery.

Of the Royal Skotadi Wolves, many were unable to control their emotional state without their human counterpart and soon led themselves to extinction. Of the little that were able to maintain their form they became known as the Night Wolves for they could no longer survive in their wolf form without the radiance of the Moon.

The legend of the Royal Wolves soon became just another story for the new generation of 'Werewolves' and the Royal wolves were forever lost as another myth. However a legend remains spoken in the ancient tongue told by the Moon deity herself, it says:

"עם הסימן על הנושא הארור

שרשראות הנפש המאופקות מתנפצות

באים העננים הכהים והרעמים

פיוד אחרון של הרמוניה וכעס"

It means:

"With the mark on the cursed bearer

Restrained soul's chains shatter

Come the darken clouds and thunder

A final feud of harmony and anger"


"And that is the story of our ancestors little one." Damaska said. "Do you like it?"

"Daddy its a beautiful story but scary..."Little Aziel said rubbing his eyes to stay awake..."But why did the Moon deity not help them a little earlier.."

"My dear Az, the Moon Deity has given all her creations the gift of 'choice', we can choose our own paths in life whether it be right or left, but always remember, whatever choices we make in life we must always be ready to face the consequences no matter what they may be." Damaska said as he watched his 5 year old son with adoring eyes. "I'm sure you'll make the right choices when the time comes."

"Yes daddy." Aziel said with a wide smile.

"That's my boy," Damaska ruffled little Az's hair. "Now sleep my child."Damaska said as he kissed Az's forehead.

"Goodnight Daddy."

"Goodnight Az. Dream big" Damaska said with a warm smile as he closed the lights and headed out of his son's room.


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