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Demi's POV

We played with dolls through the rest of the day. Kenzie was so gentle with them. She had a favorite, and she named it Becca. I don't know why it was her favorite, but it was. I watched as she gently brushed the dolls' hair. She never held them too tightly. The tightest she held them was when she gave them hugs. I loved watching her play. Then it started getting late. "How about some dinner?" I suggested to Kenzie.

"Can Becca come, too?" She asked.

I smiled down at her. "Of course! Come on." I took her hand and led her into the kitchen. She didn't flinch back when I touched her. She carried Becca in her other arm. I sat Kenzie on the counter. "What would you like?" I asked. Kenzie shrugged. "What does Becca want?" I asked.

Kenzie put the doll up to her ear, then brought it back down. "She doesn't know either." I smiled at her. This is how five-year-old's should act.

"Well, I really don't feel like cooking tonight, so how about we go get something?" Kenzie shrugged. "We'll go through a drive-thru, you won't have to get out."

"Okay," she agreed. She brought her doll up to her ear again. "Becca says yes, too."

I giggled. "Okay, well get your shoes and coat on. Becca has some in your room, too," I said, picking Kenzie off the counter and onto the floor again. She nodded and ran off with Becca in her arms. A few minutes later, she came back. "Ready?" I asked, standing by the front door. Kenzie nodded and followed me out to the car. She was obviously cold, even with her big coat on. I helped her buckle into her seat before getting in my own. As I drove, I hummed along to the radio. I occasionally looked in my mirror back at Kenzie, and she stared out the window, holding her doll. I wish I knew what was going through her mind. I stopped at a drive-thru, and ordered Kenzie a kid's hamburger, and myself some chicken nuggets. Our way home was quick, and I carried the food in while Kenzie carried her doll. I got us set up at the table, and put a chair next to Kenzie for Becca.

"She can't see over the table," Kenzie said.

I went into the living room and grabbed a stack of random books from my bookcase, bringing them back to the table and setting them down on the doll's chair. "Try that," I said, putting my hands on my hips. She set the doll down and smiled back up at me. I took my seat at the table, then watched as Kenzie looked at her hamburger. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I never tried it before."

"It's good, I promise." She looked back down at it and picked it up, taking a bite.

"Mhmm," she chirped as she took anoter bite. She ate all of her fries and burger before I finished mine. She waited patiently for me. Once I was done, I took all of our trash and threw it away.

"How about a movie before bed?" I suggested. Kenzie nodded and hopped off her chair, taking Becca along with her, and followed me to my movie case. "You can pick," I said. Kenzie examined all of my movies before taking one of my older ones. Of course, Camp Rock. She pointed to me. "Yup, that's me. And that is Nick," I continued, pointing to the younger Nick. Her eyes got big, and I laughed at her reaction. I put the movie in, then sat on the couch. Kenzie sat beside me. She didn't''t cuddle into me, just sat beside me, which is progress. She did, however, cuddle with her doll. When it was close to the end of the movie, Kenzie drifted off to sleep, so I turned off the TV. I tried to scoop her up, but her eyes shot open at my touch. She calmed down once she saw it was me. "Ready for bed?" I asked, and she nodded tiredly. She followed me to her room, carrying Becca in her arms. I tucked her in, and she laid her doll beside her. "Good Night," I whispered as Kenzie's eyes slowly shut, and she fell asleep.

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