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Demi's POV

Nick, Kenzie, and I were all sat on my couch watching TV. I was between Kenzie and Nick. The five-year-old didn't even watch the TV. Every time I glanced down at her, she was staring at Nick. He'd tried to talk to her, but she'd just hide her face into me. She must trust me a lot more than him. The door bell rang, and Nick was the first to stand up. "I'll get it," he said while walking to the door. I wouldn't blame him if he felt uncomfortable in here with Kenzie staring at him. "Demi, he needs you to sign some papers," Nick said while walking back into the living area. It must be Kenzie's stuff that I ordered. I stood up and walked to the door, Kenzie right behind me. She hid behind my leg and stared at the delivery man while I signed what was necesary. I thanked the man, and Nick and I started bringing in the various boxes. Kenzie never wanted to leave my side, so I gave her little things to carry, which there weren't very many. Once everything was inside and in Kenie's room, we started opening the boxes. The only thing that really needed to be built was the light pink vanity I ordered, so I gave Nick that job while Kenzie and I put clothes away. Nick also hung curtains and a bed drape. He started opening boxes with toys while Kenzie and I were still on clothes. "Dang, Demi, you've already spoiled her," he chuckled.

"Wasn't too hard," I replied, smiling at Kenzie who was trying to put a shirt on a hanger. Nick lined a bunch of dolls on the dresser.

"Why so many dolls?" He asked.

"She picked them," I said in defense, pointing to Kenzie. I finally helped her get the shirt on the hanger, and she watched intently, trying to figure it out. When Nick was done with toys, he opened accessories. Us girls were still on clothes. Halfway through accessories, we finished with clothes and moved onto shoes. I didn't realize how much I had actually bought. After everything was out and organized, all three of us stepped back to take a look at the finished project. It looked great. I noticed it was late in the afternoon. "Lunch time!" I cheered. I was starving.

"I can go get something if you want," Nick suggested.

"yeah, that'd be great."

"Alright, I'll be right back," he said before leaving the room, then the house. I brought Kenzie back into the living room.

"So Nick's nice," I said. Kenzie shrugged. "Was he mean?" Kenzie shook her head. "See? There's nothing to be scared of." She shrugged again, and I turned on the TV. Nick being here has actually gotten Kenzie closer to me. I didn't mention that to Kenzie, though. I didn't want her to change her mind about me. After about fifteen minutes, Nick came back in with pizza.

"It was the easiest," Nick said, setting the boxes on the coffee table.

"Thanks," I said, getting up to get a few plates. No surprise, Kenzie got up and followed me. We didn't watch TV, we just talked. Kenzie was quiet, but very observant.

"Well, I should go. I have a meeting with management," Nick said once we finished eating.

"Right, well thanks for coming," I said, following Nick to the door. Sense Nick got up, Kenzie stayed put. I opened the door for Nick.

"And sorry that Kenzie doesn't like me," Nick said.

"It's not that, she's just nervous. She would have been like that with anyone."

"Except you."

"I think it's guys, I don't know. She won't talk about it." Nick nodded as I spoke. "But she's been closer with me today than she has been, so I can thank you for that," I said, giving Nick an over dramatic smile.

"Yeah, sure," he said laughing.

"But really, thanks for your help today."

"Yeah, anytime. Bye," he said waving and walking away.

"Bye," I called back. I walked back into the living area, but Kenzie wasn't there. I looked down the hall to see her light was on. I walked in to see her sitting on the bed and looking around the room.

"Thanks, Demi," she said quietly.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside her. She didn't move away, which made me smile bigger. "No problem, sweetie."

Yeah, this sucks, sorry. But what do you think should happen?

He Told Me Not to Tell (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now