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Demi's POV

I walked back to Kenzie's room and heard giggling again. I opened the door to see the girls playing with dolls. "Are you girls hungry?" I ask. They both nod eagerly. "How about we go somewhere to eat?"

"Where?" Kenzie asks.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" Kenzie shrugs. "Kennedy?"

"I don't care," Kennedy responds.

"Hmmm," I say as I think.  "I've never taken Kenzie to Panera. Have you gone Kennedy?"

She shakes her head.

"That's it, then. Come on, get your shoes on," I urge as I leave the room to get my own shoes on. I hear the girls come down the hall, and turn to see them skipping and holding hands. It was so cute!

I help both of them into my car, then start driving. It took about half and hour to get to Panera. I walk with them inside, then help them decide what they wanted. They both got macaroni while I got a flat-bread. I watched as the little five year old's did more talking than eating. I was constantly reminding them to not let their food get cold. A lot of the time, I didn't eve know what they were talking about. I was so happy that Kenzie found a friend.

After eating, I took the girls to the park. They immediately wanted to be pushed on the swings. After they got tired of that, they grabbed hands and ran towards the slide. They were so cute together! They played for about two hours before they both came running, hand in hand, to me.

"Mommy, can we go home now?" Kenzie asked.

"Sure, if that's what you want." I walked with them back to the car. As soon as I got in, my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Demi, it's Mia. Everything is fixed."

"Alright, come back to my place  then. The girls just finished up playing at the park, and we're about to go back."

"Okay, I'll be right over."

"Great, bye." I turned back to Kennedy. "Kennedy, sweetie, your Aunt Mia is on her way back." She nodded slowly. It was like she got really nervous. Weird. The girls talked on the way home. Well, Kenzie talked while Kennedy vaguely responded.

We were only in the house for a couple of minutes before my doorbell rang. I opened the door for Mia. "Hi, sorry about leaving like that. Thanks so much for taking care of Kennedy."

"It's not a problem. She was great. We had a lot of fun."

"That's great. I was thinking, since you watched her today, how about Kenzie stays the night with Kennedy and I? They can have a sleepover," Mia suggested.

"I don't know. Kenzie is still pretty nervous around new people." I was worried.

"She'll have Kennedy. They'll be fine."

Something about the situation didn't feel right, but maybe I was just being overly protective. "Okay. Yeah, they'll have fun. Let's go ask the girls." Mia followed me down the hall to Kenzie room. "Kenzie, do you want to spend the night with Kennedy? You can play with each other some more, ad I'll pick you up tomorrow from her house."

"That'll be fun!" Kenzie said excitedly.

"Is that alright with you, Kennedy?" Mia asked. Kennedy nodded quietly.

"Alright, Kenzie, I'll help you pack," I said as I grabbed her backpack. Kenzie picked out an outfit and some pajamas. She packed her toothbrush, then grabbed her doll. "Thanks, Mia," I said.

"No problem. It's the least I could do. Relax tonight. You have alone time," she told me.

"You're right. Bye." I gave Kenzie one last hug and kiss before they left. Mia was right. I do have alone time. It's a good night for a crime show marathon!

Uh-oh, what's going to happen to Kenzie?!

I'm working on a new fanfic right now, but I don't know when it'll be out. Thanks for reading! :)

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