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Demi's POV

I've been trying to get in contact with Mia all day. I can't count count how many times I've called or tested her, but she never answers. My voice mails are always the same: "Hey, Mia, it's Demi, I just need to know when to pick Kenzie up. Please, please call me as soon as possible." Why isn't she answering me? I thought it was just because she's busy, but she doesn't look at her phone all day? I didn't even think to get the address of her house, so I can't just go over there and pick her up. It's making me really anxious. I need my Kenzie back. Maybe I shouldn't let her go with Kennedy. Not that I didn't think she was ready, but maybe I wasn't ready.

Should I call the police? Maybe I'm just over reacting.

I tried all day to keep my mind off of the subject while still having my phone close and on full volume. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities of Kenzie being in trouble.

Who was that guy at court she told me about? Matt? Mike? No, Mark. His name was Mark. I never got a call back from the police saying they found him. What's the chances of him getting Kenzie, though? She was with her friend. Was Kennedy a friend? She acted really weird when Mia talked to her. It can't be, though, can it?

Seven O'clock came around, and I still hadn't heard anything from Mia. That's it, I can't take it anymore. I had to call the police.

"911, What's your emergency?" I woman asked through the phone.

"Hi, my name is Demi Lovato, and my daughter is missing."

"What is her name?"

"Kenzie Lovato."



"Okay, Ms. Lovato, when did you last see Kenzie?"

"Yesterday afternoon, she went to her friend's house for a sleep over. I've been trying to get in contact with her friend's guardian, but she hasn't replied to anything all day. I'm just getting really worried," I explained to the woman."

"Where is Kenzie's friend's house?"

"I Didn't get that information," I confessed.

"Okay, well we will send an officer over to get more information. Pleased try to stay calm. We will find your daughter."

"Okay, thank you so much." After I gave the woman my address, I hung up. I was starting to get frantic. I need my Kenzie back.

He Told Me Not to Tell (Demi Lovato Adoption COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now