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Kenzie's POV

"What happened?" Demi asks me.

"I can't tell you," I whisper in response. Dad told me not to say anything. He definitely would be mad if I told anyone about game nights. He said those were extra secretive. I can't disobey him. I don't know where he is, but he might know where I am.

"Why can't you tell me?"

"He told me not to tell," I whisper. I'm still sniffling, but I'm not crying anymore.

"He can't do anything anymore," Demi continues. I nod my head.

"He said I'll get in a lot of trouble." I can't get in trouble with my dad. I already have enough times. Demi sighs. Is she mad at me? I already did something wrong earlier, and she poured stuff on my cuts to make them sting. I don't want anything worse.

"Lay back down, try to get some more sleep," she tells me. I lay back down and she pulls the covers over me. I guess she's not mad, which I'm thankful for. "Good night," she says, turning off my light. My night light is still on, so I'm okay. I didn't want to go back to sleep, so I didn't. I wasn't tired anymore. I just laid in bed and tried to remember my mom. I try remembering her a lot, but I can't find anything. I don't even know what she looked like. I wish I could think about her. Was she nice? Did she care? Did she love me at all? Through the rest of the night, that was all I thought about.

Demi's POV

It was difficult, but I did manage to go back to sleep. When I woke up, it was already 10:00. I got out of bed, deciding to check if Kenzie was still asleep. I looked in her room to see her staring at the ceiling. "Kenzie?" I asked, and she turned her head towards me. She had dark circles under her eyes. "Were you able to go back to sleep?" I asked as I made my way towards her bed. She sat up as I sat down on the edge of her bed. She shrugged her shoulders to answer my question. By the way she looked, she didn't sleep good if she slept at all. "Can you tell me about your dream?" She shook her head. "Honey, he can't hurt you anymore. I promise. He's in jail." Actually, I knew that if Kenzie didn't testify, then her father would be out in a matter of months and would have custody over her. I couldn't let that happen. She didn't respond to me, just stared at me. I sighed, giving her a break. "Are you hungry?" She shrugged her shoulders, which always meant she was hungry. "Come on, let's get breakfast," I said, getting up. She got out of bed and followed me into the kitchen. "Have a seat," I said, gesturing to my dining room table. She sat down as I got out the milk, two bowls, and cheerios. I poured some cereal in each bowl, then the milk, before grabbing a couple of spoons and joining Kenzie at the table. I set a bowl and a spoon in front of her, then started eating my own. It didn't take her long to follow my actions. We were both almost finished when I heard my phone ring. It was my mom.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Why do you have a child?" My mom responded immediately.

"What?" I asked. I didn't tell anyone or post anything. How would she have known?

"It's all over the news. There's a picture of you walking out of a hospital with a little girl. Someone took a picture of you buying children's clothing the day before that. What is going on?" Crap. Can't the press mind their own business, instead of trying to get involved in others?

"Well, something came up. She didn't have anywhere to go." I said looking up at Kenzie, who didn't seem to notice me talking about her.

"So you took her?"

"She needed someone to look after her."

"There are care homes for kids that don't have homes."

"Mom!" I raised my voice, getting frustrated. I couldn't believe she just said that. I looked up at Kenzie, who was now staring at me with fearful eyes. "Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to shout. It's okay." I said while covering the phone with my hand. I got up and walked to my room to continue the conversation. "Mom," I continued a little softer, "she needed attention. I couldn't let her just be thrown in a place with a bunch of other people. She'd freak out."

"Demi, I'm sorry I questioned it, but this is a big responsibility."

"I know, mom."

"And you have your career,"

"But I've put it on hold. Mom, I think I can handle this child. She's really sweet, she just needs to warm up to me. I'm lonely, and I think she'll do a good job of keeping me under control, as well. Now I'm not just worried about myself. I think this will be good for me. I value your opinion, I do, but I love this little girl."

I heard her sigh through the phone. "Okay, I believe you. I'm proud of you, honey."

"Thanks, mom."

"Call if you have questions. I've had a few little girls of my own in my lifetime."

"I will mom, thank you."

"I love you, Demi."

"I love you, too, mom. Bye."

I was bored, so here ya go :)

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