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A/N You might hate me

Kenzie's POV

I was stuck in that same dark room for forever. I didn't want to see my dad again. I didn't want him to come back. I wanted Mark to leave me alone, and I wanted Mommy to find me.

Even in the dark, I was able to slip my hands under my legs so they were in front of me. I had plenty of time to figure out how to untie the knot with my teeth. I realized then how much my wrists hurt. I wanted to see them, but there was no source of light. I just sat and waited, thinking about what will happen and if Mommy will ever find me. I wanted to be back with her. I missed her so much.

My stomach growled. I haven't eaten since yesterday at lunch. I tried to sleep to keep my mind off of reality, but I couldn't.

Just when I thought they were never coming back, the door flung open. In walked my dad. He knelt down in front of where I was sitting with my knees to my chest. He brought his hand up to my face, and I flinched, but instead of slapping me, his hand rested of my cheek. "I missed you...  so much," he slurred. He sounded out of breath. I don't know if I've ever seen him this drunk. His breath held the strong scent of alcohol. Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. I winced at the pain. His hand was where the rope had dug into my skin. He let go of me once we were out of the room.

I watched as both my dad and Mark stumbled down the hall. They were so drunk. I followed them into another room with a bed. As soon as I saw it, I backed up. Mark grabbed my arm and swung me in front of him. Somehow, I was able to push him off of me. I backed up into a corner and slid down the wall, bringing my knees up to my chest. I knew what they wanted.

"Come on, babe, we just want to play a game," Mark slurred.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Yes, I thought to myself. I'm saved.

My dad went to get the door, and to my disappointment, two other guys that I had never seen before came in. "It's my daughter's welcome home party!" My dad called out obnoxiously loud. "Come on," he whispered while patting the bed.

I was even more scared now. Four guys. It was bad with my dad. It was worse with my dad and Mark, which has only happened three times. That's not much compared to how many times my dad did it alone. Now there are two more who I don't even know.

"Be a good girl and get. on. this. bed," My dad growled slowly.

I sniffled before getting up and slowly walking to the bed. As I struggled to climb on, Mark smacked my butt. All of the boys laughed. Once I was on, I quickly brought my legs to my chest again. My dad grabbed my ankles and jerked my legs down while Mark held my chest down. The other two guys stood and watched anxiously. My dad frantically, yet clumsily, stripped his pants down, and the others followed him. Before I knew it, my pants were ripped off of me.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed.


I woke up the next day on the same bed. I don't remember when they stopped. I don't remember falling asleep. I just remembered screaming. A lot of screaming, and I don't know when I stopped. Four might seem like a small number, but it hurt so bad.

I soon realized that I was sprawled out on the bed completely naked. I don't remember them taking my shirt off, but it wasn't on me anymore. I was laying flat on my back. My legs were separated, and my arms were clumsily laying on either side of me. I brought my legs up and curled into a ball while laying on my side. I had to do it slowly because I ached everywhere. I started to silently cry, then I realized how bad my throat hurt. I screamed so much. The shivering my body did while I cried made me ache even more.

This wasn't supposed to happen anymore. What did I do wrong?


After laying on the bed for a while, still curled into a ball, I heard a door open from another part of a house. "Hello?" I heard a male voice call out. Oh, no. I stared at the door to the room I was in, hoping that this guy will leave me alone. The door slowly opened, and as soon as I saw the man, I scrambled off the bed and to the other side of the room. It was hard to move, my body hurt so much. "It's okay," the man in the blue uniform said as he made his way around the bed and over to me. Again, my knees were to my chest. He stopped in front of me.

"Please. Not again. Please," I whispered through tears. I don't want this guy to touch me. He then quickly left the room. I thought I was finally going to be left alone, but a young lady in the same blue uniform soon walked in.

"Hi, sweetheart," she said as she sat in front of me on her knees.

"Nooo!" I cried as she put her hand on my knee. I tried moving farther away, but I was already pushing my back into the wall.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I want to help you. You have to let me help you." She reached for my hand, and I frantically moved my arms, trying hard to not let her touch me. The man came back in, sat a blanket down on the bed, then left again. "Thanks, Jake," the lady said. "Come on, let's go get some help." She touched my arm, and I flinched back again. "The sooner we leave, the sooner you can see your mommy."

"Mommy," I cried.

"Come on, I'll help you up." She gently held my arm as I decided to get up. As soon as I was on my feet, I fell down. My legs didn't want to work.

The lady picked me up and set me on her hip. "owe," I slightly moaned.

"What hurts?" She asked. I pointed to my part, which was now sitting on her hip. "I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry. We're going to get help for that. Let's cover you up," she said as she grabbed the blanket with the hand that wasn't securing me on her hip. I had forgotten about being naked. The lady wrapped me in the blanket, then carried me outside.

I squinted at the bright sun. It didn't take long for me to recognize the only person who I've been wanting to see. "Mommy!" I called out. It looked like she was trying to get to me, but people were holding her back. "Mommy!" I cried out as I leaned across the lady's body, my arms reached out towards Mommy.

"Shhh," the lady soothed as she secured me on her hip again.

"Nooooo, Mommy!" I screamed.

"It's okay, you'll see her soon. I promise. Shhh, it's okay." She tried to calm me down, but I kept struggling in her arms. All I want is Mommy! The lady quickly carried me to a big car. She put me down on this little bed with wheels, then sat down on a bench that was next to me.

"Nooo," I cried when someone closed the big doors. Now I was alone with the lady. My arms were still reaching out in front of me.

"Here," the lady said, handing me a stuffed puppy. "You can keep that." I held it, but didn't pay any attention to it.

"I want Mommy," I said.

"I know, we'll see her soon. We need to look at some things first. We're going to the hospital, the doctor will examine a few things, and then you can see her," she explained. I just sniffled. "You are being so strong, sweetheart."

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