🌙 𝐬𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 :: 𝐬𝐚𝐧

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╰─➤  ˗ˋˏ ♡̷̷̷ ˎˊ˗ San is sick of his life.
                           When the moving car that
stopped for a moment,
                           he jumped out of the car.

                           When the moving car that                           stopped for a moment,                           he jumped out of the car

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The light was red for the vehicles, but for San, it was green. His sneakers successfully landed themselves on the graveled street. San ignored the angered yells from his parents, telling him to get back in the car and he ran away.

He's been wanting to run his whole life and today he finally mustered up enough courage to do so. It takes a lot to be able to build the courage to leave everything you knew your whole life. That is exactly what San did.

His heart thumped fast in his chest as he picked up the pace and ran down the side of the street, opposite the direction the cars were zooming past in. The cool breeze blew through his black hair, in his face, yet he grinned feeling as if he was flying in the air. He was a bird that escaped his cage, he was finally free.

He was always sick of his life. His parents dragged him around with them everywhere, forcing him to do things he didn't want to do. San never felt like himself, yet he wanted to feel like himself. He wanted to freely wear the clothes he felt most comfortable in, listen to the songs that moved him, and love whoever his heart raced for. His parents took away all of those freedoms from him.

San's parents had important and well paying jobs. They also landed important spots in the social class. To everyone, they saw a loving husband and wife. The wife, a social media influencer. The husband, a well honored businessman. They both took care and loved their son who was training to become an actor. Their jobs required traveling around the country but everywhere they moved it seemed like it always worked out, making their family seem perfect to everyone's eyes.

To San, he saw a father and mother falling out of love with each other. Their jobs are their only escape from each other. They did not care about their son and what he really wanted to do in life and they forced him to fit in with them, in every place they moved. San couldn't make friends properly because of that and his parents put him into friendships and relationships that were toxic to him. Moving never worked out and it never will. Moving meant more adjustments, more struggles, more pain.

His family brought him into a thick mist that made him lost in life. San knew the only way he could be himself and to find where he really belongs was to run away. For years, he'd been scared of the thought of running, unsure of where he would even go without a plan. But today, he let his fear be his fuel. He jumped out of the moving car and ran.

San slowed his running and eventually started walking. He looked around his surroundings. He was a lost cub within the vast jungle of this unfamiliar city. He didn't know where he was or how far he ran to get here. He wandered the streets, just searching for a place to belong, searching for a place he could be himself.

He shoved his hands in his black hoodie pocket as he walked around. Doubts started filling his head, raining down on him like harsh droplets during a storm.

"Will I be alright on my own now?"

"Did I make the right choice running away?"

"Would I have been okay wherever the new place was?"

"Do I even fit in anywhere?"

Regardless of all of the doubts in his head, San wanted to believe in the path he chose. This path was his and he knew he'd see the end of it at some point. He knew he couldn't give up now. Lost as he was, he wouldn't be lost for long. He was free now and that was all that mattered. What to do with his freedom was next to decide on.

San ended up in a neighborhood lined with white colored houses and metal fences. One house in particular stood out against the others in the row. It was a yellow and green colored house and it had a white wooden fence. On the fence was a sign that read, "AteenagerZ House" the small print, "All lost boys welcome here."

A smile rose on San's lips as he stood outside the house with the open door. This is where he belonged, this is where he could be himself. Maybe all this time he just needed a new family, one that was unique yet just like him. San walked up the steps to the house and was greeted with 7 warm welcomes as soon as he walked in.

This was his choice and he wouldn't have had it any other way.

This is San's Resolution.

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CONGRATS BOYS UWU STAY WINNING!! 🤧🥺🎉💕K but y'all better continue voting for ATEEZ on the necessary apps and streaming on the necessary links, got it?! 🤨 you'll do that right after you read this okay? Promise me? 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

K but y'all better continue voting for ATEEZ on the necessary apps and streaming on the necessary links, got it?! 🤨 you'll do that right after you read this okay? Promise me? 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

San's Resolution OST Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5ScXSizsPMRAaOX8VcBk5o?si=mapDYLvTSq2o45PzYizlZA


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