Eiron Story time

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Violet-Lily's POV
We were back home in Arukan Some of daddy's tribe came to visit as well as our friends. The sun had just made it to the middle of the sky. Mom dad and uncle Dar and Tao and auntie Caro were on an important mission. We were protected by moms Guards from the Nords and dads Guards as well. Uncle Tao's Tribe the Eirons were all with us. I had asked Uncle Dar To tell us the story of When he and Uncle Tao had encountered the demon Ketwayo. He Smiled and Said I think Uncle Dar should be the one who starts it off. He looked over at him with a smile and Uncle Dar Began to tell us
It grew hotter and hotter the deeper we past through the path of the burining Forrest. The apparition was lurking and roaming, Daddy Told Me And Delpheni lots of Stories about a Demon named Ketwayo he was once a great ruler of the midlands Daddy told me about the time he and uncle Dar faced. He told us he was held as The Demon Ketwayo held him captive as he watched uncle Dar faced Ketwayo's supposed Great Umpatra warrior.
Daddy was helpless by the demon Ketwayo power he was being held prisoner until uncle Dar Defeated the Umpatra.
Her name was Nokinja she felt her honor was lost due to losing the battle. Nokinja looked at daddy and prepared to sacrifice herself. Daddy said No wait Dar and I want you to become one of our allies. She was stunned. She said sure, we shook hands. Uncle Dar and Aunt Arina and Momma Caro and the rest of us continued our journey.
Ketwayo was furious he tried to harm Nokinja after she'd seen through him. Curupira appeared. She said oh Ketwayo you seem to have lost your humans soul even though Nokinja was now one of our allies he did still technically possess her soul. Curupira laughed. Free will and humans ugh she rolled her yes and backhanded ketwayo sending him high into the sky as he went crashing into a tree. She said you asshole you're worthless even for a demon! You are a disgrace to our kind. I HATE YOU! You're as worthless as humans.
She kissed him and sucked the life from him she smiled at daddy and said remember sleep with your mouth closed.

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