Heirs in training part 1

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Please note this chapter is an a year time hop

Dar's POV

We return from kicking the Terrons asses.
Caro says we missed you.
Arina asked if we could talk alone.
I kissed her and said sure babe.
She said i've visited the witch doctor the same when you saw when you were in that trance when you lost your powers then regained them, he told me I was pregnant again.
I gave her a deep kiss on the lips.
I went to go get her food.
I was in the Forrest picking berries nuts and seeds with the help of chiraq and Koto and Poto.
Tao had gathered them and put them into bags.
Caro asked while holding Violet-Lily are you pregnant?
Yes 5 weeks Arina replied.
I said holy shit we got a waterfall baby.
Tao said too much information.
He had placed my children on down on a bed of flowers while trying to tell the story of all 3 of our tribes. Mine which was the Sula's , his and carols which they were from the same tribe called the Eirons and Arina's tribe which was the Nameeb.
You can imagine having a bunch of 1 year old babies walking and exploring our paradise home.
We have to be extra careful now that we have little ones to take care of.  Keeping them safe from the Terrons was not going to be an easy task.
After our battle I grabbed my staff and hardened it with a burning fire.
We let our kids watch as we trained for all of our upcoming battles.
My daughter put her hand to my face I felt her tiny hands curl my long blonde locks.
I gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. She joined the other children as Tao began to teach them more about the ways of our respected tribes and the arts of war and self defense.
Dream-Serenity started eating dirt and then she threw it at me.
That's a good start I said as I laughed and brushed it off my face.
I looked over past them as the tiger cubs were playing with each other and training as well.
As night drew near we put the children to bed and told stories around the campfire before we our selves went to sleep.

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