Curupira and Minaka

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Dar's POV
We were traveling through the Forrest with the kids when Curupira and her sister Minaka appeared I knew Curupira well and considered her a friend under the circumstances. she's the one that gave me my ability to communicate with The animals after all.
Her sisters name is Minaka.
She and I weren't on the best terms.
They both appeared from behind the trees and said you 2 seem to be enjoying the company of one another as she glared at me and Tao Remember your promise Beastmaster you protect our animals. Yes I said. Minaka Asked sis should i leave you two alone after all he's your friend not mine. She gave me a snarling look and vanished. I asked what the fuck was that about Curupira? She said oh don't mind her she'll never understand. Just then the Sorceress showed up Curupira said what the fuck do you want? Oh nothing she said as she vanished. At this point I was confused but didn't feel like asking questions.
Just then a unicorn appeared from behind a tree. Curupira leaped down from the tree and communicated with it. It told her she was pregnant. The terrons were stalking the poor thing they had already almost lefted the unicorns to become non existent by hunting them.
Just then one appeared and over here to the other terrons. They began hunting. The ancient one was watching us all. Curupira was irate she crushed 2 of them and ripped them to pieces. I hammered through the rest of them with my bone club then turned it into the sword for any remaining asshole. Minaka reappeared and leaped into the tree with Curupira.
Tao said oh shit another Forrest Demon. Minaka said watch your tone asshole or I'll suck the life from you and hang your fucking skin on the weeping willow branches.
She warned me as did Curupira if this happens again I'll rip your sorry ass into pieces while Arina watches. I held my tongue and went home.
Minaka was in my Forrest home when I got there I said what do you want. As she peered at Dream serenity. Oh nothing just watching the innocent that's all. I felt uneasy with her around my kids. She vanished by waving her hands in-front of her face as it was happening she said remember Beastmaster sleep with your fucking mouth closed.
I checked on the kids and Arina and Caro.
Curupira knowing where my paradise Forrest home was was bad enough but now that Minaka knew I really felt the pressure. My ferret friends Kodo and Podo along with Ru my tiger friend an Sharak appeared and reassured me everything was fine. I then kissed Arina as Tao did Caro and we drifted off to sleep.

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