New Birth and Life

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Tao's POV Dar and I were home with Caro and Arina. Arina and Caro were playing with children. Tao my water just broke and this fucking hurts! Caro exclaimed furiously.
Dar watch the children! I yelled.
Not long after that Arina's water
broke. Tao you are a jackass! Caro told me. Yes dear I am! I said as I rubbed her back. Don't fucking touch me! Caro exclaimed furiously.
Hey asshole tell Dar get his lazy ass over here! Arina yelled. I went get dar and the tigers watched the children.
Dar you are a lazy inconsiderate asshole! Arina said all irate. Carol you need to push now! I told her. Don't fucking tell me what to do you Jackass! Caro exclaimed furiously.
Caro one more push! I told her.
Tao I'm tried do it for me! She said in tears. You can do it Caro and soon you can meet him. We know the gender cause the witch doctor tell us.
Caro push really hard. I told her.
He came out and Caro tears
all the way to her ass. I had to stitch her up. She had 60 Stitches! dar hold her hand I will deliver the baby! I told him. Arina time to push! I told her.
You both are Jackasses! Arina yelled.
She did one big push and like
Caro she
Tears in 8 places and I had to give her 60 stitches. Dar he is so beautiful lets
call him Dar Jr. Arina exclaimed. Tao I know what we should name him! Carol exclaimed. What?! I asked her.
Tao Jr! She replied. Dream-Serenity and Violet Lily walked over and said.
Dada do you still love me! Violet Lily of course Honey Daddy loves all of you! I said as I picked her up. Dar picked up Dream-Serenity and hold her close. Arina and Caro are breastfeeding at the moment.
When Tao jr was done I asked Caro if I could have some later. no that's for the baby asshole. You can share! I exclaimed. Ok you can have some but don't eat it all! Caro exclaimed as she lift her shirt up. I sucked and it was good. It taste like blueberries. Don't tell Dar and Arina I let you do this.
Caro told me. I won't as I kissed her Ferociously. I love you so much Tao! Caro told me. I love you more! I replied.

the Quest continues Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя