My brother Slayer and A place called Tiera Part 1

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Dar's POV
We were in the Downs,
I had helped Curupira with freeing one of her Tigers from a typical terron trap she was so pissed off she sucked the life out of him and said that'll teach you sorry assholes to mess with my creatures.
I said to her can we Spend some time together. She said sure Rue showed up with some of his friends. She was elated. They gave a collective roar at once and we hung out.
She brought out more of the tigers and a few of the unicorns that were more than happy to see me.
The unicorns only come to those with a pure heart since she was a demon just having Tao and the kids there helped. I had communicated with them to calm them down. She whirled around and appeared in the tree. Koto and Poto were having a snack. I fed the kids some grapes and smashed pears.
Iara was watching us. She hated Curupira.
She was jealous of her world and the fact that she had the power of the Forrest and the fires as well as some water abilities it made Curupira even more awesome.
We were heading out I hugged Curupira and said we have to continue my quest. Curupira said I'll keep an eye on the kids and Arina. She did just that but it was at A distance.
I called chiraq to see if the kids and our girls were ok I looked into his eyes while he gave a screech while flying high above me. I said thank you my Friend.
I returned home and gave Arina a kiss and greeted Tao and Carol with a hug.
I said we can't stay we have to go look for my brother Arina said now? What about our needs?
The girls whined Tao said ok I'm guessing you want us to fuck You like how we imagined it would be when we first met both you? Dar gave a sly smile and bit my neck. He began kissing me as Tao did Carol. The kids were playing with the cubs.
I stopped and said we should probably put the kids to sleep before we have sex Tao and I said to the girls. We picked them up and placed them in the handmade Hamics one of our village friends made for us and they slept. I went to get one of them so they could watch the kids while we were on our quest. Arina gave me a very satisfying blow job as I played with her hair and gave a soft moan.
Tao was busy on top of Carol going to town pleasuring her. An hour later we took a shower with Tao's hand made rinsers he made with the hollows of The gores of fruits we ate earlier it was attached to a rope that sprinkled out warm water we washed our hair as well and grab a change of clothes. We kissed the girls and our sleeping kiddos and headed out to continue the quest.
We were getting tired. We stopped to enjoy the circus and horse riders performing. I saw a girl riding a horse awfully fast and a wolf following close behind. I  told Tao and I said we have to go check her out. I followed close behind. I had that same symbol aside from my sister Lisiea and brothers Centar and SandDar come back. I said he may be one in my family come on.
The circus was now being invaded by the terrons as more of those assholes continued showing up and reeking havoc  destroying everything while capturing performers. The the high war chief his name was Cort.
King Zad had sent them to Capture new slaves and slave girls for his pleasure. I said fuck! Looks like we're going to have to kick some ass.
I drew my sword and Tao stole sword from one he just knocked off a horse and said payback is coming mother fuckers. This shit shocked me I said go Tao while kicking one in the face and knocking his sorry fucking ass out. Tao stabbed on and knocked one out.
I said Tao remember we don't kill he looked back at me and said sorry I felt the asshole deserved it.
We grabbed horses and followed the girl I saw earlier.
We finally arrived I jumped of the horse and told her thank you for the ride. Tao did the same. The girl was standing outside. As we approached the kingdoms guards stopped us she said no wait it's OK. I know him he's the beast master and that's his friend I looked at her strangely I said how do you know how we are she said because people talk about you all the time just like I imagined. Little did we know she had planned to marry the king of Tierra tomorrow. I said your wolf is very loyal as the symbol on my hand appeared once again. Tao said it's one of your family isn't it? Yes I said quietly.
I told him yes my brother Slayer I think.
Slayer was in the body of the wolf.
I pulled Zuraya aside. I said I know we didn't come here for this  but I need you to do me a favor.
She said what? Just before I was going to tell her, A man appeared and said my future queen. Come. I felt uneasy. Slayer started growling I noticed every single time that man. Slayer would feel uneasy and growl at him he did that every time he encountered the man.
I got distracted. Zuraya left him and said sorry come I'll show you to your chambers.
I said what are you doing here she said early tomorrow I married the king of Tiera.
His name was Rolan.
I replied congratulations. In the back of my mind slayers behavior toward him was weird.
I asked her how long of you had your wolf? A while he's been helping with this curse of loneliness, She replied. I asked her how she met Rolend her future husband she said my horse fell lame one day and Rolan was just there.
I retired in the bed as did Tao. That was puzzling the fuck out of me.
I finally said I've got to investigate. There were two ladies outside my doors they came in and said do you need anything some fruit or meat and drink? I said no thank you. They finally went to sleep after I leap on the top of the wall since they locked my room from the outside I managed to get out and escape Rolan was Admiring himself in the mirror I saw his face change it was evil he was really green and covered with pimples he looks like a fucking hobgoblin. I had heard him communicating with a woman her name was Managua she was in on it. I was listening intently when I heard Rolend say nothing can interfere with my rebirth. She replied if you take her now it will mess up everything. You must wait otherwise the child she conceived tonight Will not inhabit your spirit and you will not be reborn. I had to tell her the truth about him and what he was up to. I had to tell her that she was in trouble. I had to tell her the truth! I went to sleep I thought about Tao and Carol and the kids. I drifted off to sleep in the moonlight and the story blue midnight sky Gazed upon my face as I was sleeping.

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