Saving Akili

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Dar's POV

We Were Near By a Terrons Camp when Curupira appeared she said protect my animals like you promised. We're supposed to be friends.
I smiled and said we are I am keeping my promise to you. She got furious with me lifted her arm and plowed me right into a tree. Damn it Dar if you're supposed to be protecting them why the fuck are terrons hunting my animals.
Maybe I should give you a kiss she yelled with fire in her eyes. Don't fucking stand there go save them because if I have to do it I'll tear your apart like when the crocodiles did when I fed your body to them the first time!
I grabbed my bag and my staff which was also my sword. I ran with Rue to the exact spot where those assholes were.
I ran into Tao and said nice of you to finally show up he said we have ass to kick.
We were cornered by 4 of the assholes and I had had enough the high chief which was Quard was there as well he said Beastmaster we meet again. I did a back flip and knocked him out then whooped the others asses. They had attacked a young man I didn't know it yet but he was also a Terron.
His name was Akili. He was bleeding badly I said come on well help you.
We took him to our home and got him cleaned up.
I asked what do they call you? Akili he replied, why did they attack you I continued he replied I was banished from the terron camp. What for I said did you kill one of them? No he replied I was staring at one of the women that was for King Zad, Tao said usually staring at the kings woman is punishable by death you must of gotten off lucky he continued.
King Zad is a ruthless brute whom kills his own men I'm sure you know. I cleaned his wounds he screamed. He said we better go quickly the rest of the terrons  are looking for me. King Zad told them to hunt me and bring back my head. Akili said.

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