Gaining the Sword

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Dar's POV
We were wondering around deep into the forest when suddenly we came across a tree and a long path. We met  my spirit warrior Dartanus once again before we explored any further he said well done Dar. I said what do you want. He replied let's start with this he tossed me my staff and I spun it around and suddenly it turned into a Sword. I dropped it and said my enemies use metal to kill I don't want it.
Dartanus said this sword has just as much power to do good and defend you as any other weapon When your father use the Sword it was used only for a good. I replied my father never used a sward. He said to me I mean your real father Eldar.
I said my real father? Dartanus said you are not who you think you are, come with me I will show you.
I followed him and we came across a dead body it was true it was my fatherElDar Kings Zad had killed him a few days before I was born.
I had been shown a vision of my mother holding me when I was a baby in her arms as Dartanus sealed my destiny with an X which was my fathers symbol on my hand. He said your father ruled Erican and ruled it well. We are needed here. We saw the now what Zad called his royal knights attacking villagers and slaughtering them. We stepped into stop it.
One of his knights was going in for the kill I stepped in and pulled out my new sword 🗡 it felt pretty bad ass holding it. I beat him after our stand off ended we chased after king Zad.
I couldn't find his sorry ass and he was lucky.
Tao came to me and said we can't go after him now. Oh yes we can I said let's go.
I had seen a steed I walked up to her and asked her for help she let me hop on her back and I chased after that sorry bastard.
With my new sword at hand I was hungry to give him an outstanding ass whooping he so richly deserved.
He drew his sword as I did mine. King Zad was in shock he said The sword isn't your style .
I gave a mighty battle cry and whipped his ass. He did manage to make me bleed but that only pissed me off even more. I knocked him on he's ass and cut his neck and said so the color of your blood is red just like the rest of us you sorry piece of shit. I could kill you but I would be no better than you. I let him go and he took off.
Tao said what the fuck! You could've killed him and you didn't. I replied his time will come I will get my vengeance but not right now we have my family to save remember? Tao said damn it you're right another time.
We continued the journey.

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