The Nameeb and Helping Arina and fighting Slythius

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Dar's POV
Arina is traveling with us and helping us a lot she was the last of her people from the great deserts of the Nameeb. We were laying by the fire when she awoke suddenly to the sound of her grandfather calling her name and asking for help.
I said babe what's wrong.
She replied something opened the graves of my ancestors their souls have  been scattered to the four winds I have to gather their souls by the next moon baby will you help me?
I gave her a deep kiss yes babe of corse.
She gathered the red clay and the jafarb jar from her home land and we headed out in search of their souls.
Meanwhile back in Xinca king Zad was getting ready to take over.
Xinca was under shitty ruling as it is Tao said.
I looked at him and said don't worry your homeland will be back to is glorified self once all this shit is over I promise. I hugged him. I said we have to help Arina right now. We spit up. I went with Arina and Tao with Caro. I said babe should we be careful you're pregnant remember? She looked at me and said I get it but I need to do this she told me.
We came across the black swamp I felt uneasy I said babe there's something here. She looked at me and said it's probably the retann.
Remember I told you the story of how my people used to use that story to scare the Nameeb children?
I'll hurry she continued.
Just then a hand covered by the same red clay grabbed her I hurried and I held her carefully she said it's ok and did a chant and gave it some crystals as an offering so she could take the red clay and place it in the jar.
We headed back to the fight sene Tao was being romanced by the suckubus named  Nadeea
That slyvius was with which had taken Tao's soul and I didn't know it. She came for Arina next I remembered that you needed to do the chant to help return her grandfather and rest of the souls to their resting place once again.
I smashed the orb with the crystals which had the souls of arina's ancestors within it.
They helped us destroy her and we restored them back to their proper resting place once again.
We restored Tao's soul as well.
It was good to have him back.

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