The Midlands and Xincha

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Tao's POV
I woke up suddenly by Violet-Lily hearing Her cry due to having a nightmare about the terrons.
I snuggled her and held her close kissing her head.
I began to tell her the story of how Dar and I became friends and traveling companions.
I saw Caro gathering berries and food.
I had wondered what back home in Xincha was like since I had left on this journey with Dar.
She began to play with my Eiron ring on my finger grasping at it with her tiny hands.
Dada she said for the first time as she looked up at me with Forrest green eyes that matched her cinnamon almond kissed skin as they did mine absolutely perfectly. Her Hair was of Redish and brown locks just as my mothers.
She had freckles like her as well.
My mother and father were among the first killed by Malic and the other Priest who had turned on us the last time I had heard from A few other Eirons from hidden messages I found by our Forrest home.
Violet-Lily fell asleep in my arms. It was precious. I've asked and that glory for a second remembering how innocent she was and that she knew nothing of the world she was living in at this moment.
I thought about how much I needed to teach her and her upcoming journey in this life. I thought about Dar's children as well.
We had so much to teach them about this world of magic and Science and nature.
Dream-Serenity tried touching the fire i caught her hand just in time, I grabbed her hands softly and gave it a kiss and whispered careful honey the fire is very hot we do not want to touch it. She hugged my leg and said Uncle Tao I Wuv you. I love you too now let's go play outside with your brother and your cousins! I told her.
Dream-Serenity saw dar and run and said Daddy! He picked her up and spinning her around and she giggled.
Arina and Caro were cooking dinner on the fire.
We gathered nuts berries seeds and grains.
Arina put flowers in the girls hair. She began telling the story of her tribe the Nameeb. She smiled as they began to coo through the story.
I gathered fruits and smushed them in a wood juicer I had acquired through trading some of my shiny stones.
We grabbed a couple more shiny stones and our packs and kissed The girls and kids and went to head out to my home land Xinca.

Xincha was Home to all the Eirons. It was a very civilized place it was where my tribe could come out of hiding from The Terrons and other assailants, or so we thought.
Arina was training to get back in to ass kicking mode. She was teaching Caro how to fight as well just in case we needed extra skills and hands to kick some ass when the Terrons showed up.

Dar's POV
I pulled out my staff and said look I don't want any trouble and I don't want to kill you but I will.
I told Tao to stay put but it turns out he walked right into one. He managed to punch him in the face and knock him out.
I gave a smile back at him then said good work. I Head-butted One of them knocking them out. I then did a backflip and started battling the others that were coming using my bone club I hammered through the rest of those assholes and we proceeded to gather the other Eirons and get them to safety.
One of the villagers was taking care of our children she was also one of us. I felt safe knowing that the kids were in her hands until we finished our mission.

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