My brother Slayer and A place called Tiera Part 2

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Dar's POV
I Was in the Palace Zuraya and I were talking. She and I decided to take a walk. I Told her can we take him with us Slayer isn't really a wolf, she looked at me perplexed for a second.. I continued he's my brother. she asked You're the true king? Yes I said, I continued telling her the story, before my father was killed he turned my family into animals. She looked at slayer and smile then replied slayer is one of them. At that point slayer ran to her she began to rub his head.
I told her you can't marry Rolan I've seen his real face. She once again looked at me confused then said but he was the one who ended my curse of loneliness. I smiled back at her and cupped her cheek saying trust me as a friend please. If not me then slayer he would never steer you wrong. Rowen showed up and said is this how you Betray our hospitality Beastmaster?
said its ok.
Rowen was pissed off he said I think It'd be best if you retire to the room we gave you, the wedding will proceed.
I waited until dark then climbed out of my window at the top of the kingdom Tao was outside. I grabbed Zuraya and said come with me he's going to kill you after the baby is born.
He was working along side a woman named Managa
Slayer killed Rolan by ripping out his throat she then saw his real face and said Slayer was right all along.
I grabbed her she hopped on her horse and followed me into the night.
We left the kingdom of Tiera. I took her to our Forrest home where the ark was so that I could show her. She said you're the true king? I said yes she hugged slayer and said I'm going to miss you. She watched him go into the ark and joined our sister and brothers.
She then whistled and her horse came galloping through. She kissed my cheek,
She hopped on her aggressively she looked back at me and said let each sun find you safe.
With that she dash away on her steed into the night.

 With that she dash away on her steed into the night

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