" I love you so much" Jason expressed his love as he kissed her on top of her forehead.

" I love you too" 

Hearing those words finally come from her lips made Jason extremely happy.  Diane felt as if a weight had lifted from her shoulders. Despite what was going on between her and Adrienne, she was content in her moments with Jason. So content, she had to ruin this beautiful moment with her perverted mind began to race.

" Now that we love each other and all can we finish where we left off" she said seductively as her eyes became low with lust. She hoped up on the counter next to the washer and dryer and pulled Jason toward her by his waistband.

Jason placed his hands on either side of Diane's waist. He admired her beauty now that they were eye level. Her face was tear stained and her worry lines were gone. Her eyes were red and filled with love. Her soft small hands danced around his belt buckle waiting for him to give her a yes. Diane definitely looked high when she was turned on, but Jason found it sexy.

" what do you want me to do?"

" I want you to make love to me"

The Next Morning

Jason's phone rings causing him to stir in his sleep. He ignored it and tiredly rolled over and pulled Diane closer to him, making her snuggle into him more. He thought about the events that transpired last night between him and Diane and smiled. He was about to fall back to sleep until his phone ring again.

" answer your phone" Diane groaned and pulled the covers over her head. Jason sighed as he rolled back over to answer his phone. He squinted his eyes at the screen to see that it was 4 o'clock in the morning before glancing at the caller ID. It was an unknown number so he declined. As soon as he did the caller called again.

" What the hell?" Jason decided to answer. " Speak"

" Good Morning Detective Owens" Hearing this Jason quickly got out the bed but careful not to awake his love."or is it just Mr. Owens since you seem to have forgotten you have a job to do"

" What do you want Oscar?" Jason grimaced lowly.

" Boss man wants you at the office at 6:30. So you better get from under that whore of yours."

" I'll be there" he said ignoring his comment.

" Don't be La..."

Jason hung up on him. Jason got back in the bed with Diane since he had little time to kill.

" Baby?" he called out. He softly kissed her lips then watch her eyes flutter open then close again.

"Hmm" she answered obviously still tired. 

" I have to see a client about a car around 6:30. I'll be back later before the kids wake up."

Jason hated lying to her especially after hearing her admit that she loved him too. It broke his heart, when she told him that she didn't deserve love due to her past. But to him she deserved the world and more. He promised himself that he would tell her the truth about him soon.

She opened her eyes fully then asked " What time is it now?"

" 4:15 so I don't have to get up until 5:30. I just wanted to let you know just in case."

" I'm awake now so..." Diane voice trailed off as she bit her bottom lip giving Jason a look. A look that he is beginning to become all to familiar with. Suddenly, Diane disappeared under the covers. Jason wasn't sure what she was doing until he felt her hand around him then her lips.

" This woman" Jason thought.


After to what seemed like a long morning with Diane, Jason headed downstairs fully dressed around 5:45. he was about to head out the door but he saw Charity was in the living room. She was sitting on the couch, quietly sitting there with the stuffed animal her father had giving her.

" What you doing up so early princess?" he asked as he checked the time on his watch to make sure he wasn't tripping.

" I couldn't sleep." She answered as she fiddled with the beat up stuff animal. Jason started to head out the door but decided against it seeing the look on her face. Instead he sat on the couch beside her not caring if he was running late. 

" You and momma have been fighting a lot lately." Charity said above a whisper. 

" Yeah couples fight sometimes but there's nothing for you to worry about" he said trying to reassure  her.  He wondered how much she have heard. Charity is a preteen, there is a lot that she can pick up on and wonder about. It didn't matter how discreet Jason and Diane tried to be.

" Are you going to leave like they did?" she asked curiously. No matter how sassy Charity tried to be, she was very emotional and sensitive. A trait she must  have gotten from her mother.

 " Because if you are do it now. Because I can't...We can't take anybody else leaving us."

" I'll never leave you." Jason promised. Jason was kinda thrown by Charity's emotions this early in the morning, but he continued to be understanding.

" Are you a bad man?" Charity asked.

" I don't think so.  I mean I try to be a good person." Jason answered honestly.

"My daddy was a bad person and he left. I heard he went to prison for killing somebody and selling drugs. Did you know he died in prison?"

Charity clenched onto the last gift  her father gave her before he died as she recalled what she overheard years ago. 

" Charity I know you loved your dad. But do you think he loved he loved you?"

Charity shrugged her shoulders as she sniffed.

" Well let me remind you and tell you that he loved you so much. He may have went down the wrong path but that didn't make him love you any less. I just know he used to light up when you came into the room and smile when you called his name. I just know he tried giving you the world by breaking his everyday to do it. You want to know how I know that?"

Jason gently lifted up Charity's chin so that way she could look up at him. " Because the way you carry this stuffed bunny around and the way you stitch his name in all the clothes you make. or the way you honor your father by being the best you everyday. You exult the love he had for you" 

" Really?" 

"Yes and he is right here always " Jason pointed to Charity's heart. " And Charity I promise you. Whatever happens  between me and your mother, I will be there for you no matter what. I am not trying to replace your father in fact I want to honor him by being a father figure in your life"

" Pinky promise?" Charity stuck out her pinky finger and Jason made the promise.

Charity gave Jason a gigantic hug. " I love you daddy."

" I love you too pumpkin"


I hope this makes sense because whoo child..

Love you guys!

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Where stories live. Discover now