Chapter 15 - Blame it on the Alchohol

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As soon as he walked through the door, Cooper was attacked by his mom hugging him.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She asked frantically before hitting his shoulder.

"Ow!" He yelled out, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"Why weren't you wearing a helmet!" She yelled. His dad stepping in to calm her down. "Lilly, stop smothering him! He's fine, he fractured his hand and got a concussion."

"What about his head?" She asked, taking Cooper's face in her hands to look at him.

"He had to get 12 stitches, but he's fine. And I already got after him for not wearing a helmet." His dad reassured her.

They then went on to talk about what the doctor said, no longer paying attention to Cooper, who decided to go to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, he grabbed a blue Gatorade, but quickly realized he couldn't open it. He stood there for a second, thinking about how he won't be able to do much with the cast on.

Finding another way to open it, he tried to twist the cap off with his teeth.

"No! Don't do that; you're going to chip a tooth," his mom said, taking the bottle and opening it for him. Cooper thanked her and chugged it, attempting to throw it in the trash after.

"I'm going to bed," he said, tiredly, walking to his room. He had to shower but was so exhausted that he contemplated just passing out, and worrying about it tomorrow. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes, almost falling asleep.

Before going into a deep sleep, he was woken up by a soft knock on the door. "Yea?" He yelled out, signaling them to come in.

The door opened, and in came his mom, "Do you need help with anything?" She asked nicely.

"No, I'm just going to go to bed." He said, barely opening his eyes.

She sat on his bed and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear. "Okay, I'm glad you're okay. You gave us a scare there." Cooper gave her an apologetic smile and apologized.

"I love you, alright? Now get some sleep," she gave him a kiss on the forehead, careful not to touch the bandage above his right eyebrow. She turned off the light, and not even five minutes passed before Cooper was asleep.




Cooper's awoken by the feeling of his breath picking up, he slowly opens his eyes and doesn't see anything. Confused, he looks around but stops at the warmth of lips on his neck. Closing his eyes again, Cooper leans his head back in pleasure. He doesn't know who they are, but he knows they're not a stranger.

He starts breathing heavier, as the hands go to his waist, giving them a squeeze. They then go to the front of his pants, slowly unbuttoning them.

As one hand starts to ease its way into his pants, Cooper feels his breath hitch. "Shh, just breathe," the voice whispers in a calming voice.

"Just breathe."

Suddenly, Cooper is jolted awake. He starts coughing and feels as if he can't breathe. Rushing to the bathroom, and heading straight for the toilet, letting out whatever contents there were.

His head was throbbing, so he sat on the floor for a while, resting his head on his arm. If someone were to see him, they would think he was some drunk guy who puked because he had too much to drink.

He would much rather be drunk if it meant not being in pain.

Cooper went to get up, and when he did, he caught a look at the tent in his pants.

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