Chapter 43 - Camping Trip

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Laying in bed, Cooper messed with the red box that had the necklace from River. Opening and closing it, he touched the cold pendant and smiled at the thought of it before looking at the name on the box.


Taking his phone out, he looked it up and soon learned it was a luxurious jewelry company with items that were probably more expensive than he was. Eyes wide, he looked at the necklace and closed the box. He told River he'd wear it on his camping trip, but after seeing how much it could've potentially cost, it didn't feel right. The thought of losing or ruining it made him nervous, and soon his mind was swarming with what if's.

Hearing a knock on his door, he immediately hid it under his covers and told whoever it was to come in. In came his dad with a smile on his face, "Hey, you ready?" He asked, referring to the camping trip Cooper had been dreading all week.

Giving him a tight-lipped smile in return, Cooper nodded. "Yeah." His dad walked out, and Cooper hid the necklace box in his sock drawer, deciding not to wear it, and got up, grabbing his bag.

Everyone was outside already, and Cooper just stayed to himself, wanting this to hurry up and be over. He wanted to come back home and hang out with his other friends.

Camping was one of Cooper's least favorite activities; in fact, it was probably his number least favorite thing to do, but his dad enjoyed the father-son bonding time, so he was willing to put up with it for a few days. Maybe it would be better if it was just him and his dad, but he couldn't guarantee he'd like that either. It was a known fact he didn't enjoy the outside, but he still participated in all the activities, so everyone probably thought he got used to it.

"Cooper put this in your bag." His mom said, handing him a first aid kit. "Your dad said he had one, but I don't believe him." She put it in his backpack, and soon it was time to leave.

"Alright, who's going with who?" Parker's dad asked, referring to who was riding with who.

"I'll go with Jason." Cooper blurted out. There was no way he'd go with Parker, and there was absolutely no way he'd go with Miles, especially since he ignored his text last week when he asked if they could forget about it.

Miles' dad clapped his hands and went to his car, "Okay then, let's go."

Everyone bid goodbye to their moms and wives, and soon, Cooper, Jason, and their dads were heading to the campsite with the others following. Cooper slept the whole way there, not wanting to be bothered, and when they arrived, the first task was to set up camp.

Parker's dad started unloading his trunk and handing things to Miles and Parker. "You guys should switch and share a tent with someone else. Parker, you and Jason always share a tent; maybe you should share with Cooper."

All the boys remained silent while their dads looked at them, waiting for an answer. That technically was their answer, and the boys stood there, waiting for their dads to take the hint.

"I'll share with Cooper," Jason said nonchalantly, finally giving them a verbal answer.

It was obvious that wasn't what Miles' dad wanted, but alas, all he did was slightly nod and smile, "Okay then."

Going to their spot, Cooper mumbled, "I'll set it up." Besides setting up the tent, he wasn't good at any activities, so it was a no-brainer he'd take control for this simple task.

When they were finished, they set their stuff in it, and Cooper sent River a text telling him where he was. He'd meant to do it at the house where he had a reception, but he had fallen asleep before he could get the chance, so now none of them were going through.

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