Home again

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Using the overwhelming urge to get home as fuel, Barbara and Walter powered through the last all-night stretch. It was a lot easier now that both of them could drive. They pulled into the familiar, old driveway in Arcadia Oaks around noon.

Walter drove last, letting Barbara sleep in the backseat, but the instant the tires hit the driveway, she woke up and peered out the window at the house, a smile on her drowsy face.

Barbara hopped out of the car, undid Emil's car seat harness and pulled the baby out, Jim plush, and pacifier in tow. The baby yawned, turning his drooping eyes up to his happy mother.

"Welcome home, Emil." Barbara fondly brushed his soft cheek. "And you too, Walter," she said to her husband, who still stood beside the car staring at the house.

Walter laughed quietly, feeling slightly awkward in this foreign situation. He opted to fetch the groceries from the trunk. As he pulled them out, he tried to hide the blush spreading over his face. This was... overwhelming and a little confusing if he was honest with himself.

Barbara unlocked the front door and went inside. The familiar scent of home greeted her. All the coats still hung on their rack, and the shoes were still neatly stacked by the door. Barbara hung her keys on their hook and headed straight for the couch, sinking down into its homey embrace.

Walter came in moments later. "I... I'm going to put on some coffee," he said, meeting her gaze around a tall grocery bag. "Would you like some?"

"That sounds lovely." Barbara sighed. "I'm starving," she added as an afterthought. They'd driven nonstop for fourteen hours, except for the brief stop at the store. The only who'd eaten anything was Emil.

With a quiet nod, Walter headed for the kitchen.

The scent of coffee drifted into the living room, filling the house as Barbara listened to Walter work in the kitchen. In the past, it would have been Jim she heard putting up groceries and getting out cookware. It was comforting to hear those sounds again.

Barbara lay down on the couch, holding her little boy close. She closed her eyes, peace settling over her as she heard the click of the stove being turned on and the sizzle of a frying pan. The welcoming aroma of eggs joined the smell of coffee.

She caught a whiff of bread and syrup and opened her eyes to find a plate of French toast and a cup of coffee in front of her on the coffee table.

Barbara smiled and sat up, careful not to wake Emil, who'd dozed off again. "Jim used to do stuff like this."

"I thought so," Walter said, taking a seat beside her, his own plate in hand. "I'm afraid my cooking skills won't quite measure up to Jim's standards, but at least the food will be eatable."

"How many women can pride themselves in having a husband who can cook?" she teased.

"I've been a bachelor for over a thousand years," Walter countered. "You pick up a few things here and there."

"Oh." Barbara looked over at him in disbelief. "So, you mean to tell me you've never been married before? Not even once? Troll or human?"

"I've posed as a married man, but I don't believe that's the same thing. On occasion I was tasked with seducing human women to gain information, or get access to key locations," Walter replied. "But if you're asking about serious relationships, the answer is no." He cut into his food. "I had other priorities."

"'Seduce,' you say?" Barbara smirked. "Were you trying to seduce me when we met?" She set Emil down in her lap, leaving one arm around him.

"You already know I did." Walter glanced away, looking a little ashamed.

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