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This feeling was strange to Walter – genuine peace.

Jim and Claire had taken Emil for a while. Walter was glad. Jim didn't have a lot of time to bond with his little brother; it was good to see him taking the opportunity while he had it.

Walter strode across Trollmarket, hands in his pockets. Did he dare venture outside? He could go buy a little something for his beautiful wife while she slept. Flowers maybe.

He didn't get very far before a green-eyed, pink-skinned troll approached him. Walter gave her an amused look.

"I forgot how ugly you are as a human," Nomura said.

Walter laughed. "Well, fair is fair I suppose. I assume you don't want to give it a go?"

"And be stuck like that forever? You must have eaten nails!" Nomura exclaimed, then said more quietly, "You do seem happy. That's good... I'm... glad..." She smiled just a little. "Huh." She gave a thoughtful grunt. "I actually am glad. How surprising."

Walter gave her a smile. "The day you find your chance at happiness, take it," he encouraged. "We can be more than Gunmar's impure pawns."

"Yeah... I see that." Nomura nodded. "It's... pretty nice." She smiled back. "So, we're free to do whatever – even become human and raise a child."

A grin spread over Walter's face. "Seems unbelievable, doesn't it? Who would have thought it?"

"Certainly not me," Nomura stated. "Heh! So, I suppose anything's possible. That's..." she stopped short, a thoughtful finger on her chin. "That's actually quite scary."

"You're resilient, Nomura. I'm sure you'll figure out what you want to do," said Walter. "So, you went to check on your little human friend?" he asked.

Nomura's face twisted into a pout. She crossed her arms and looked away, giving Walter the answer he was looking for without saying a word.

"What did you find out?" Walter asked casually.

"Her name is Joan Callas," Nomura muttered. "Her mom is trash, sleeping around with gang members. Her father is long gone – he's even worse trash than Joan's mother. There's a boyfriend – the pig – calls everyone a hoe. Joan has to keep her passion a secret. It's considered uncool." Nomura snorted. "Their apartment is overrun with other gang members, drinking and smoking crack. It's a disgusting hole in the ground. The sewers would be better."

Walter gave Nomura a sympathetic look.

"There's no way she'll last in an environment like that." Nomura let out a deep sigh. "Real shame too... She's a nice girl. She even has two brothers, one older, one younger, both from different fathers. They're already involved in the gangs." She glared at Walter. "Why would you let me get involved in something this appalling?" she asked. "What good can it possibly bring?"

"I don't know," Walter admitted. "I'm not the one who chose to get involved – you did that yourself. I just reminded you to stay true to yourself."

Nomura started to object but stopped. She couldn't argue the truth of his words.

Walter shrugged. "All I'm saying is I can't force you to do anything. It's completely up to you."

"I really hate you," Nomura growled.

"Of course, you do," Walter smirked back, not buying her act. "I'm going to the surface. You want anything?"

"Pfft! No," Nomura looked at him, incredulous. "Why would I want something from up there?"

"It was only polite to ask." Walter chuckled.

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