The beast within

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He couldn't put it off any longer.

Walter stood at the entrance to Merlin's cave. He closed his eyes and took a breath, forcing down his troll nature and dredging up his sophisticated, well-spoken side. He and Barbara were leaving in just a few hours. They couldn't stay here any longer. There was too much left to do.

He held on to the reason he'd come as he stepped inside.

The interior of Merlin's cave was impressive to say the least. While the troll's homes were built out of old trash, Merlin's dwelling was beautifully furnished. Each piece of wooden furniture carried the same design, but even though Walter knew it had to be ancient, the furnishings looked brand new.

Every wall was covered in shelves, each one of them filled with items and artifacts. In the middle of the room stood a large table, filled with bubbling potions of differing colors. A lit furnace stood at the back of the room. It blazed with a woodless, green flame. Walter recognized the strong magic. Only the most powerful of wizards would be able to create such a fire, and though Walter hated to admit it, such a show of prowess was far beyond him.

Standing in front of the fire with his back to Walter was just the man he sought – Merlin, the grand wizard. Merlin's armor shone in the flickering firelight as he stood, straight-backed, his hands clasped behind him.

Walter fell to his knees, head bowed low as he entreated the wizard. "Oh, grand Merlin, Greatest of all Warlocks, Master of life and death, Whisperer of winds –"

"Ugh..." Merlin groaned without turning around. "Are you trying to bore me to death?" he asked.

Walter held back a hiss, managing not to snap a harsh reply to the old man's rudeness. "I humbly apologize for my intrusion." The words tasted sour in his mouth, but he said them anyway. His determination to find an answer was the only thing that kept him from getting up and walking out. "I beseech your advice." He felt the wizard's displeasure and didn't dare even look up at Merlin as he said, "If you would allow me to speak..."

"I don't need to hear what you have to say," Merlin dismissed, his back still to Walter.

"You already know what I intend to ask?" Walter finally braved a glance up at the wizard, surprised.

"I haven't got a clue what you want. I just don't care." Merlin shrugged.

Walter was taken aback by the wizard's flippancy. He tensed, narrowing his yellow eyes at the old man's back and letting out an involuntary sneer.

Merlin glanced over his shoulder. Seeing Walter on his knees, eyes full of contempt, he said, "Oh, what's this? Are you angry? Did I make you mad?" To Walter's further disgust, Merlin sounded amused.

Walter did his best to collect himself, hauling in a deep breath as he stood up. "I apologize," he said grudgingly, giving the wizard a bow before raising to his full height. "Please... I only need to ask one question."

"Spare me." Merlin turned away, rolling his eyes. "Standing in such close proximity to one of Morgana's disgusting creations already doesn't sit well with me. The only reason I didn't destroy you when I saw you arrive is because the Trollhunter won't allow it. Begone from my sight, changeling." He spat the label, not bothering to hide his revulsion.

Walter hissed, his neutral stance turning defensive as his anger rolled through him, now unchecked. Merlin's words, clearly an insult, rang in his ears.

"Changeling," he'd said, but Walter knew Merlin meant, "Impure beast!"

Merlin tossed one more glance back at Walter. "Aww, did I upset you?" he mocked. "Does it really take so little to hurt your feelings? What am I talking about? A creature like you has no feelings."

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