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Darkness.... stones.... dripping water... Deep underground, far away from humans – so far down humans wouldn't even know of it – that was where trolls lived.

Walter travelled down a deep tunnel. The wind rushed by, carrying with it the sounds of battle. Voices echoed in the air and battle cries rang out. He heard heavy swords smashing down on trolls' heads, shattering their stony forms and flinging a hundred tiny shards in all directions.

"FOR THE GLORY OF GUNMAR!" He heard a Gum-gum roar. The shout was matched by another impassioned cry, "BY DEYA'S GRACE!"

Just up ahead, two armies crashed toward each other, killing and maiming for their cause.

Walter followed the noise until the tunnel opened into a vast cavern. A great throne stood at the other end of the open space. Statues ringed the throne, but Walter realized they weren't just statutes, but dead trolls, displayed as trophies.

Next to the throne stood a young troll, wearing a savage grin. Bular.

On the throne sat... Bular's father. He was massive. His single, burning eye bored into Walter as a bone-chilling growl rumbled up from deep within the huge beast.

Acting on instinct, Walter fell to his knees before his former master. "Gunmar, the mightiest and most powerful –"


Walter quaked at Gunmar's voice, fear ringing through his changeling frame.

"You disappoint me," the troll bellowed.

"What?" Walter dared a glance at the great troll. "How? What did I do that displeased you so much? I followed all your orders, did I not?" he asked. "I – ARGH!"

Gunmar's giant fingers wrapped around Walter's throat, squelching his voice. The floor disappeared out from under his feet as Gunmar lifted him up. Walter struggled against the merciless hand.

"My –" Walter gurgled. "My dark master –"

"So, you think you can just leave me?" Gunmar scoffed. "You can't. You belong to me." The blazing eye cut into Walter's soul.

"Yes, my dark, most gracious lord." Walter squealed as his air dwindled.

"Your entire existence – it is mine to control and mine to demand." Gunmar grinned. "Or, have you forgotten?"

"No," Walter assured, fighting for another gasp of air. "I – I live to serve you. It is my deepest honor to do so."

"Is it really though?" Gunmar asked. "Then tell me what I want to hear."

"Hngh!" Walter grabbed Gunmar's hand as the crushing grip tightened, cutting off the last of his air supply. "I – I –" he wheezed.

"Why, Stricklander? Why would you betray me?" Gunmar growled.

Walter felt the grip loosen just enough for him to draw in another short breath. "Are you really so stupid?" Walter managed. "I – hate – you. I always hated you." He sucked in another breath. "I despise you – With every fiber of my being, I've always despised you."

Gunmar sneered at Walter but allowed him just enough air to continue.

"From the very beginning you didn't care about changelings. Hngh!" he hissed as Gunmar's grip tightened again. Walter's eyes glowed brilliant yellow as he defiantly declared, "You didn't even care about your fellow trolls. You're a monster." He bared his fangs at Gunmar. "I'm glad you're gone! No words can describe how happy I am that I witnessed your demise! You're dead!"

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