Not A Chapter: Z Surrender and the New self.

Start from the beginning

Markwindle: A teleporter? Zats why z Nazis were trying so hard to find z Teleporter. To go to z Moon of course!

Blajov: We also have our own made weapons. They are made to challenge the Prussians. These are expiremental though.

Kaiser Willhelm: Ok. Explain.

Blajov: We have the Tiberiumfier. It is a laser gun that is the size of a Lewis Machinegun. It fires lasers that turns anything into crystals. We also have the MR-45. It stands for Machine Rifle Forty Five because it was made in 1945. Z Gun is similar to Mark's old MG-42 but has key differences. It has a different barrel, a different sight, and a different grip. It fires like the gun of Markwindle. Yet, due to it still being a test weapon, only few can use it. We still have many other weapons but you can read all of them if you read this book.

Blajov then takes out a book that had a Swatsika that was torn off from the cover.

Kaiser Willhelm: Thank you.*Takes the Book*

Russka: Now Mein Kaiser. We'll be better off being scientists or just normal civilians if you wants us.

Kaiser Wilhelm: Approved.

Russka: Last request, please let us have a political party in your Reichstag. We are Pro-Prussian but with some Democratic reforms. We want the people to serve you but have some freedom.

Kaiser Willhelm: Zat would be tricky... But I'll approve. Also burn your old flag. I like z New one.

Russka: Ok Mein Kaiser.*Looks back at the defectors*You got the signal. Take out the flag.

The Defectors then went out and burned the old flag. They came back with a new heart.

Russka:*Looks back at Kaiser Wilhelm*We humbly thank you for approving us Mein Kaiser. And before we leave, we have a question. Where will we live?

The Kaiser halted and thinks for a second.

Kaiser Willhelm: Cause of z people still having a grudge with you, I think you will build your own house.

Russka: Understood Mein Kaizer.

Blajov: Thank you for your forgiveness.

The Defectors then rose up and left the Reichstag. Most of the Authors dispersed.

Russka: Didn't realize zis city was beautiful ever since I left it many years ago.*Sighs*Look like were free Blajov.

Blajov: Don't worry. We got this.

The two proceeded to enter a restaurant. They wore a Waffen-SS uniform with key differences. First of all, the Swatsika in the shoulder is replaced with the Iron Cross and had color blue instead of Red. Unknown to the two, two shipgirls were present.

Konnigsberg: Look! Those are the enemies that attacked us!

Köln: Oh yeah.

Russka reserved seats while Blajov ordered. Russka noticed Konnigsberg staring at him.

Russka: Umm??

Konnigsberg's POV:

Konnigsberg in mind: Why is my heart being warmed when I see him? Why am I liking a Nazi?!! Konnigsberg.. Resist.. Resist....

Köln noticed that Konnigsberg was blushing and smirked.

Köln: Looks like someone has crush on a Nazi.*Laughs*

Konnigsberg: What?!!*Blushes*Nein! Nein!

Russka watched while Blajov arrived with the food. Z Author noticed that Konnigsberg was blushing.

Russka: A Scheiße.

Blajov: Hey! Russka! Eat! We got a house to build!

Russka: Right.*Looks at Konnigsberg*Why am I liking her?

Blajov: What?

Russka: Nothing.

The two are their food while the two Konnigsberg sisters kept watching them.

After few more minutes of eating, they rose up and left for their parked destroyer Zeppelin. It's have a formidable aura in the Harbor and it made some shipgirls come near it.

Hipper: Schwester.

Prinz Eugen: Yes?

Hipper: That thing looks weird.*Points at the Carrier Zeppelin put on naval mode*

Prinz Eugen: These are weak. Those guns can't stop our technology!

They then see Russka standing on the harbor while looking at the Zeppelin.

Russka: Glorious German Engineering. Your purpose Mein destroyer is now to serve the Prussian Empire.*Wears his Gas Mask*I hope we can make friends with the people, which is unlikely. I could only wish.

(End of Chapter)

Author: Looks like I'm no longer a Nazi now. Welp, Long Live the Kaizer!!!
Also Mark, can you teach me z ways of the Prussian? I wont mind.

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