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If I thought my first day at Emerald Academy was bad, the rest of the week was just horrible. After word got out Sebastian invited me to one of the infamous Covington Boys' parties, Jasmine and her friends made it their personal mission to make my life hell.

Sebastian and I aren't even friends. We're more like acquaintances. But none of that matters because I'm the one he extended an invitation to.

"I heard Jasmine shoved you into a locker again today," Anna shoots me a sympathetic smile.

"What else is new?" I roll my eyes.

"You need to stand up for yourself and let her know she can't push you around like that."

"I just need to let her get it out of her system."

"Angel, you can't keep turning the other cheek. Eventually she's going to push you so hard you're going to break," she warns.

"What Jasmine really wants is to be invited to that party. So, what if I invite her? That way she'll see I'm not the enemy here," I propose.

"You can't possibly be that dense," Anna scoffs.

"What?" I shrug.

"Not only does Jasmine want to go to that party, but she wants Sebastian too."

"I don't care about Sebastian. The only reason I accepted his invitation is because I knew you and Tessa would want to go."

"So, you're going to let her use you to get to him?" She asks.

"Anna, please... Sebastian is a big boy, and he can handle himself," I shake my head.

"Yes, but I think he wants you Angel... duh."

I never really thought about Sebastian liking me in any sort of way. Because even though he gave me his phone number, he's still acting standoffish towards me.

"Don't tell me you didn't pick up on the fact that he's hitting on you," Anna laughs.

"He's just being nice because he needs me as a lab partner," I reply.

"Maybe. But you're in the perfect position to take advantage of this situation."

Jasmine enters the classroom with one of her friends, and I walk over to invite them to the party. I need to get her off my back before someone gets hurt.

And I don't mean me.

"Can I help you?" Jasmine asks. Staring at me like I'm crazy.

"I wanted to invite you and your friends to the party this weekend," I tell her.

"Sebastian's party?"

"Yes. Maybe we can consider it a peace offering."

Jasmine looks over at her friends then back to me. Debating on whether she should accept the invitation or not.

"Fine. Thank you," she agrees.

"Can we get class started?" Asks Mr. Wong. My second period teacher.

I go back to my seat, and glance over at Anna who's shaking her head disapprovingly. I shrug, but that only makes her laugh. A few minutes later, a balled-up piece of paper strikes me in the chest. Landing on top of my desk.

Unraveling it, I read the note.

You are WAY too nice...

I look over at Anna again, and she gives me thumbs down. I chuckle without trying to and Mr. Wong glares at me. Which causes Anna and I burst into quiet laughter when he turns back towards the chalkboard.

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