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Leaping to my feet, I run as every one of the dark Angels turn to pursue me. The white Angels try fighting them off hoping to slow them down, but several of them get away. And I'm not running fast enough.

Dark Angels close in on us from all sides, and there's one really creepy dark Angel that seems determined to get to me at all costs.

"Hold on to me!" Sebastian shouts.

Grabbing me by the waist, he leaps into the air, letting his wings unfurl. And with a jolt, followed by a loud whooshing sound, we're soaring through the air so fast I can't even keep my eyes open.

Sebastian's grip tightens around me. Pulling me into his arms while I cling to him. I'm deafly afraid of heights, and even more afraid of falling to my death.

Peaking over Sebastian's shoulder, panic grips my heart. Dark Angels are closing in on us at an unnatural speed. And one of them shoots an arrow at us that Sebastian doesn't see coming.

Pushing him, I'm hoping to move us out of the line of fire. Only, I end up blasting us apart instead, and to my horror, I start to plummet thousands of feet to my death.

Turning upwards toward the sky, I search for Sebastian. Finding him heading straight for me with his hands at his sides.

He's in a dive hoping to catch me.

The larger dark Angel collides into him, and they both go spiraling through the air. Fighting each other. Meanwhile, I'm still plummeting closer and closer to the ground. And while the larger dark Angel keeps Sebastian preoccupied, two others close in behind me.

They keep their eyes on me, neither of them tries anything. They seem to be waiting for something. And that's when it hits me. Me falling to my death would accomplish what they've set out to do. That's why they aren't coming after me. All they must do is hold Sebastian off and let gravity do the rest.

The Dark Angel Sebastian was fighting erupts into a bright light and disappeared like ash on the wind. He then turns his focus on the other two Angels. Loosing two arrows that neither of them see coming until the last second.

Hoping to avoid the arrows, they collided into each other, the arrows strike true anyway, and then they also erupt into a bright light. Vanishing with the wind.

Now that I'm out of the woods, so to speak, I turn back toward the ground and my heart lodges in my throat. I'm twenty feet from the rooftop of a large building, and at the rate of speed I'm falling, no bone would be left unshattered if I was to survive this.

I can't watch...

Closing my eyes, I brace myself for impact hoping Sebastian will get to me in time. If this is the way I'm going to die, then there's nothing I could do to prevent it. Though I have a hard time believing someone would go through the trouble of creating me to have me die like this.

Accepting my fate, I extend my arms and legs. Allowing my body to freefall the rest of the way to my death. I've all but given up hope when I feel Sebastian's arms close around me. Smiling, my eyes fly open. But my happiness is short-lived as Sebastian flips our position. Taking the impact of the fall himself.

A split second later we go through the roof of the building. And I feel the moment it knocks the air from Sebastian's lungs. Sending him gasping for air.

But it doesn't stop there.

We fall through at least ten floors before finally coming to a stop. Then, without taking a beat to catch his breath, Sebastian quickly reverses our positions again. Looking up toward the ceiling. Because even though we're safely on the ground, we're still not out of the woods yet. The building groans, creaks, and sways around us until it starts to cave in on us. And lifting his fist in the air, he throws up a force field to protect us from the falling debris of the roof above us.

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