Isla elbowed Houston in the ribs.

"I had to come." Josephine hissed, wanting to say some clever retort. If Father were here, he'd lie for his own advantage. But he wouldn't be shackled with a psychopath.  "You think I want to spend my weekend getting my new shoes full of mud?" Josephine tried to relax with a long breath of air as Houston and Isla silently trailed their gaze to a pair of shoes riddled with muck. Feeling that Houston was full of ridicule, she tightened her tone. "Camillo asked me to come here. I'm not one to think crime scenes are romantic but I had to work with what I get. And if Dante asks, this is our official first date."

"Poor you," Houston crooned .

"I understand, Josephine," Isla said, full of sympathy. And before Houston could interject with some snide retort, she covered his mouth with her hand. "But this is really hard for Dante. I get you need to do your job but Dante isn't thinking rationally right now. "

Josephine could have rolled her eyes. And when does he ever?

"So you're stuck with us," Houston said, rolling up his sleeves. Josephine swallowed."Courtesy of Dante to make sure you don't piss him off."

"Well that works wonderfully for me." Josephine said, full of both sarcasm and thought. And unanswered questions. She peered at the green goblin with malice intentions. If Isla's kindness was to be a serious act of gratitude, she would need to turn it into a weapon.

Houston's brow furrowed in bewilderment. "Huh?"

"Now I'll have both of you to keep me entertained," Josephine replied, smiling. She was afraid Houston would try something, so she looped an arm around Isla. "They've already left. Let's go."

Overhead, moonlight poured over nine teenagers. A shudder ran down Josephine's spine at the first breath of the night wind in the late days of August. The coat she wore did little to soothe the bare skin peeking out the folds of her dress, only accommodating large pockets where her phone and several lip glosses lay.  Isla had stuck to her arms, walking in similar motion while Houston casually trailed alongside them at a distance from the others.With the breathing space, Josephine went to her questions.

She studied Houston, and when his gaze slowly crept and darkened and waited, she whorled towards Isla. "You didn't mention that Houston is Dante's brother or that Beatriz is his sister."

She heard his chagrin smile from the side. "Wow, I didn't think that Camillo would be such a blabbermouth. But anyway, I'm only related to the one."

The question wasn't intended for him, though she couldn't say it wasn't about him. It was supposed to be about Dante, but Josephine found the answer worthwhile. She glanced at the trio's features uncertain. "Which one?" She asked.

"Beatriz," He clarified. "We have the same dad."

She noticed now. The roots of his hair were crimped, but not as curly as Beatriz, nor as styled. While Beatriz's skin was the lull of night, his was the reddish dawn. And while Beatriz's nose was wide, Houston's was curved inwards.Though, there was a trace of lining with their eyes, both paths taunt and  full of dark secrets. She didn't know why she couldn't see it before, but could now find the same round faces and jarring foreheads.

Josephine rolled her eyes. So much for parenting. Their personalities were horrid. She knew that Houston was always unnerved, but Beatriz was like a white knight on a playing board. Stoic, serious, and redefined.  As she watched her more,  Josephine could find that Beatriz was the most beautiful out of all of them. That is, if she never opened her mouth.

She went scrambling for her next question rather than think about everything she disliked with Beatriz. "Isla," She purred. "Another thing: why aren't we letting the grownups deal with this? The last thing anyone would want would be a bunch of  teenagers trying to solve a murder."

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