How could Fang Yi be unable to understand that. Without saying anything, she slightly shook her head then entered the bedchamber. There were many imperial concubines in the palace, and because the Emperor did not enter the inner palace over the years, it was inevitable that these imperial concubines would feel grief in their hearts. There were even some that could no longer be described using the word grief. Instead, the word twisted should be used. Once the master became twisted, the maidservants at her side would also become less normal. The palace servant of a lowly noble lady dared to speak like this to the head palace maid of the Empress. She really was lacking in discipline.

Fang Yi held in her anger but still went to report to the Empress. The Empress, however, did not mind Noble Lady Yuan’s matter and asked Fang Yi: “Who was it that caused you to be in this foul mood?”

Fang Yi repeated what Yue Xiu had said and saw the Empress’ expression sink, as she angrily said: “They really are becoming more and more outrageous. If this inner palace isn’t tidied up soon, those people will all be dying!” After saying this, she waved her hand, “Call Noble Lady Yuan in. This One wants to hear what sort of unbelievable thing had to be brought over at this time. If it is not as urgent as she says, this One will definitely cause a fuss over it with her.”

With the Empress having spoken, Fang Yi could only invite the two inside the bedchamber. Noble Lady Yuan led Yue Xiu in kowtowing and saluting; however, they did not hear the Empress call for them to rise for a long time. The two kneeled until their feet began to feel numb. Finally, Yue Xiu could no longer endure and raised her head to take a glance, but she ended up seeing the Empress leaning back in bed with her eyes closed. It looked as if she was sleeping. She could not help but gently clear her throat as a reminder.

But this gentle clearing of the throat nearly cost her half of her life!

The Empress opened her eyes upon hearing this and furrowed her brows, a furious expression appearing on her face. Fang Yi angrily scolded Yue Xiu: “You scoundrel, Her Highness the Empress was lightly sleeping, and even His Majesty has said that Her Highness is not feeling very well and must not be disturbed by anyone. You, a lowly noble lady’s servant, actually dares to deliberately wake the Empress?”

Yue Xiu trembled and knew that she had indeed overstepped her bounds, thus she quickly kowtowed and begged for forgiveness. Who knew that the usually kind Empress did not want to forgive her and immediately gave the order: “Take her away and punish her by caning her ten times.”

Being caned ten times did not sound like much, but it would still result in the flesh being split open. Noble Lady Yuan was extremely shocked to hear these words and wanted to open her mouth to plead for forgiveness; however, she saw that two sturdy eunuchs had already appeared from nowhere and dragged Yue Xiu out of the bedchamber. Allowing Yue Xiu to cry as she pleased, the doors were closed, and the main master inside was quite indifferent.

Very quickly, the “whacking” sounds began to fill the air, and Noble Lady Yuan’s heart was tugged with each strike. The look that she shot toward the Empress now contained a bit of resentment.

The Empress finally sat up straight and asked her: “What did you come to see this One for? Apparently, it was a matter that was so urgent that it had to be brought up today. Then this One must hear what is so urgent. If you can’t say it clearly, this One will not let you off easy.”

Noble Lady Yuan’s teeth itched with hatred; however, the other side was the Empress, and she was currently no more than a lowly noble lady. The disparity in status was too great, and it had already created a feeling of powerlessness. Finally managing to calm herself down, Yue Xiu’s punishment by cane outside had come to an end, as a palace servant entered to report that she had already fainted, but she was still full of life. The Empress had someone carry her back, and Noble Lady Yuan finally let out a sigh of relief.

Shen Yi Di Nu, Divine Doctor: Daughter of The First WifeWhere stories live. Discover now