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On the other end Hotch was sitting in the hotel bed, the blanket piling around his waist.

"Reid?" he asked again, fear gripping his own chest and making him swing his legs over the side of the bed and start to stand up. The other end was just a lot of shuffling, then a loud bang, followed by a gurgling noise before the line went dead. Hotchner quickly hung up, redialing Spencer's number.

He didn't pick up.

He dialed Garcia's number, she also didn't answer,

"God damn it!" he snarled, recalling her number, the logical said of his brain said to call 9-1-1 but, then Spencer might be found out. When he and Morgan took him to the hospital he was able to get them to keep it under wraps but now?

No, Spencer's life was more important than his job. Whether the young doctor believed it or not. Hotch dialed the local police for Spencer's house,

"Hi, yes I need to report what I think is a drug overdose, no i'm not there right now, my, my friend, he called, and i'm worried, can you just send someone over there please?" his voice was starting to tremble and he hardened his jaw.

Once he told them Spencer's address, and they told him officers were dispatched along with an ambulance, the call ended. Hotch and Garica again, this time she answered, her voice thick with sleep.

"This better be an emergency"

"Why else would I be calling at 2 am?" Hotchner snapped, probably not called for, but he was having a hard time keeping his emotions in check right now.

"Well no offence sir but-"

"Listen Garica you need to get over to Reids."


"Yes, right now"


"I think he might be in trouble, I already called the police, they will meet you there" Hotch could hear Garcia stumbling on her end, getting her stuff to go out the door.

"Got it" she said then hung up, Aaron sat back on the bed, his head falling into his hands as he let out a sigh. He was glad he had his own room, but should he tell Morgan? If Morgan doesnt know he might focus on the case more, so they can get out of here faster, but if Morgan tried to get a hold of Reid and cant, that might be worse. And if the agent finds out Hotch knew and didn't tell him, Aaron shuttered a little at the amount of rage Derek can have.

He didn't know what to do.

So he pulled his phone out and shot a text to Garica,

"Update me when you can" 

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