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Spencer said up with a jerk, his lips parting as he let out a strangled cry. The room was dark, the smell of burning fish assaulted Reid's senses. Morgan was quick to jump out of the chair where he had fallen asleep, quickly crouching in front of the dark form that sat shaking in the darkness.

"Reid, Reid" Derek tried to keep his voice calm, he felt the young doctor reach out, patting around his arms and shoulders until they came to rest on his forearms.

"M-Morgan" Spencer's voice was small, choked with terror.

"Yea kid I'm right here, it was just a dream. Your safe now"

"You're safe now," Spencer repeated in a whisper, saying it several more times like he was struggling to believe it.

"Sorry" he cleared his throat.

"You got nothing to be sorry about. Come on let's go upstairs to bed" Derek stands up, keeping his hand touching Spencer's, moving up his arm before resting on his shoulder. Spencer reached up and held his own hand on top of Morgan's, the palm clammy and shaking.

Once both men were standing Morgan draped his arm over Spencer's shoulders. Guiding them both through the darkness to the stairs. Derek didn't really need the light, he knew the house well enough to maneuver in the dark. Spencer on the other hand, well he didn't appreciate the dark to begin with, and even though he would like to think he knows Morgan's house, especially after basically moving in with him. He still kept stumbling over his feet and pressing himself closer to Morgan. He needed that comfort, to feel the other man's firm body next to him. Morgan could help him, keep him away from the monsters that scratched at him from the dark. Away from the floor that his face so desperately seemed to want to meet. And could get him out of those horrid nightmares.

When they reached the landing Spencer paused. He didn't really want to sleep alone. But he also felt like Morgan had done more than enough for him, the least Reid can do is let the clearly exhausted man sleep. Morgan had gotten them moving again, but instead of walking to the guest room he led both of them into his room.

"Morgan-" Reid went to correct him but Derek cut him off,

"Nah, you're going through withdrawal again and I remember the last time. You're gonna have worse nightmares and fevers and stuff. I'm keeping you close this time" spencer could faintly see the other man's white teeth flash out as Morgan tried to make his statement sound humorous, but spencer couldn't help but hang his head in shame.

He had fucked up so badly he couldn't even be trusted to sleep on his own anymore.

Unfortunately Derek was correct. The older man was woken up by whimpering coming from the body beside him. When he sat up he whispered Reid's name, the younger didn't seem to hear him. Morgan reached out and before he even placed his hand on Spencer's forehead he could feel the heat radiating off him. Morgan was quick to his feet hurrying to his bathroom and grabbing a rag out of the drawer. He ran the tap and drenched the rag in cold water. After ringing it out he grabbed the thermometer from his drawer and rushed back to Reid who laid shivering and sweat soaked. He turned on the bedside light, noticing Spencer flinch away from it. He stuck the thermometer in Spencer's mouth, using his hand to keep it still while the younger man's head started thrashing back and forth. The meter beeped and Morgan pulled it back to check it, 102.8. He placed the rag across reids forehead, SPencer let out a louder cry, his hand coming up to remove it.

"No, no no, leave it there kid." Morgan said gently, pushing Reids hand away, it limpy fell back onto the bed, fingers twisting in the sheets. Derek placed the thermometer on the bedside table, he grabbed the blankets and pulled them away from Reid, who had drenched them in sweat. Spencer curled his body into as much of a ball as he could, his lips parting to let louder whines out. Morgan quickly left the room, jumping down the stairs several at a time. He rushed to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of acetaminophen and running back upstairs.

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