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After several frustrating hours late Reid slumps back into the couch cushions. Morgan was really trying, really he was, he wanted to play this game only to help his friend, but it just wasn't clicking and as helpful Reid was trying to be, he just wasn't a very good teacher.

"Tired" Reid mumbles, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Then take a nap kid" Morgan smiles, moving the table away, and trying to get comfortable himself on the couch next to his friend. "How can you not have a tv?" Morgan teases, his eyes scanning the room again incase he missed it and the genius really did have a tv.

"Books" Reid mumbled, shifting so he was now curled up with his knees to his chest and his head almost touching morgans shoulder as it slumped over it. "Read one" his voice was muffled and strained and sounded as exhausted as the kid looked. His hair was sprawled across his face, some strands sticking to his lips what he kept licking.

"Maybe I will '' Derek huffs as he stands up, walking over to one of the large overstuffed bookshelves. Morgan wasn't a reader, so he must've been very bored to even entertain the idea of opening one of Spencer's beloved books and actually reading it. His finger hovered above several of the spines, his interest quickly dissolving at the genre of books available.

"Other shelf" Spencer sighs from behind him, making Morgan spin around. Spencer was now sitting up on the edge of the couch, one hand pulling his sweater closed and the other pointing to another shelf of books. "You'll like those better" Morgan nods, moving over to the shelf, it held more fictional works. Derek picked a random book, bringing it up to his face.

"Sherlock?" He questions raising an eyebrow at the younger man who now found himself curled up on the couch again, this time under the blanket.

Reid just shrugs, before nuzzling his face more into the couch cushions.  Derek sat down, cracking the book open and scanning the first page. The book itself was well worn, clearly read multiple times.

"Can you read it out-loud?" Spencers voice was brittle when he asked this, Morgan turned and saw that Spencer's ears and a small part of his face Morgan could see that wasn't smushed into his knees where flaming red. Spencer's body let out another shutter, and the younger man whimpered with it.

"Uh, I can try kid" Morgan was hesitant, he knew Spencer just wanted a distraction, but Morgan wasn't sure if he was the person to be helping him right now. JJ would probably be better, why the heck did Hotch send Morgan home with Spencer?

"Uh, ok" Derek clears his throat before taking another breath "it is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes was distinguished."  Spencer let out another shutter and low moan, his body slumping forward a little and his forehead resting on Morgan's shoulder. Derek could feel the heat radiating from his friend, another moan left Spencers lips before he slid down and his head rested against Morgans hip.

Derek shifted a little and pulled Spencer further onto his lap so his head wasn't painfully pushing against Morgans hip bone which couldn't have been comfortable for either man. Spencer let out a sigh and pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders, clenching his eyes and moving his lips with silent words.


Spencer didn't respond, his lips kept repeating the same line, his brows furrowed and his body still shivered under the blanket.

"Kid?" Morgan sets the book to the side, leaning over so he could get a better look at Spencer's face that is laid facing the room.

After watching for a few seconds Derek realized Reid was chanting "I need it" at least mouthing it.

"Hey, hey no you don't" Morgan taps Reids temple lightly with his pointer finger, making the man flinch. "Let's get back to Sherlock Holmes alright? I know you know the words say them with me" Morgan picked the book back up, leaning back onto the couch. Spencer nodded, and Morgan resumed reading aloud.

"In an incoherent and, as I deeply feel, an entirely inadequate fashion, I have endeav- ored to give some account of my strange experiences in his company from the chance which first brought us together at the period of the "Study in Scarlet," up to the time of his interference in the matter of the "Naval Treaty"—an interference which had the unquestionable effect of preventing a serious international complication." 

 Morgan was smiling a little when he could hear Reid softly saying the words along with him. Sometimes the kids' minds amazed him. Morgan read page after page, Spencers voice slowly drifting in and out with him. After Morgan had to clear his throat several times, he stopped reading, realizing then that Spencer had fallen asleep. Morgan tried to stay as still as he could, but continued reading, just silently this time as the book was actually enjoyable.

When the room started to get darker, it was then Morgan noticed how much time had passed.  He set the book to the side, and tried to lay back without bothering Spencer who still laid with his head on Morgan's lap passed out. Derek closed his eyes, letting out a small sigh and decided to try and get some rest.  He listened to the creaking of Spencer's apartment building. The movement from the neighbor, the ticking of a clock Spencer had near the door. The ragged breathing of the young man himself, he looked to be sleeping, but not enjoying it. 

Morgan's eyes scanned the room lazily, the curtains making the sunlight look golden when it entered the windows, the endless amounts of books piled everywhere and anywhere. The dark green walls and dark wooden floor made the whole place feel cozy and warm. The room reminded Morgan of something you'd see in some old man's study and that thought made him chuckle. It was totally Reid. The room was cluttered, but everything looked like it had a place and the clutter was organized. Morgan closed his eyes again, focusing on the pressure of his friend, for some reason the fact that they were touching calmed the older man, Spencer was safe and will be ok.

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